"King's Crown"
12 pgs. Appeared first time (in French) in Metal Hurlant #142 (2003) (see in France, bellow). Reprinted
in Metal Hurlant [US Edition] #10 (2004).
Story: Jim Alexander. Art: Richard Corben (no signature). Colors: Dan Brown. Lettering printed: Unknown (maybe Humanoids Publishing).
FRA: 1st appearing, as "La couronne du roi" in Metal Hurlant #142 (2003).
Style: Color with black line. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Nudity: None (well, one nude girl in distance).
Keywords: Tournament. Castles. Robots. King. Inherit.
Synopsis: King is dying. King has all technology by himself. Strongest knights fight on floating castles for the crown. The winner takes all. King's robots watch over the fights, and screen all tournament on screens for a public which is on a level of Middle Ages. The winner is rebellious.
Comment: The story, by Jim Alexander, with combining far future with Middle Age tournament is not bad, though not a new idea. There is a twist in the end, not bad, nor that brilliant. The comic story was anyway enjoying to read. I like the most the floating castles on first page and overweight king later in the story (did somebody mention "Masks: Too Hot for TV!"). Hopefully next story will be less masculine; in this story you cannot find a one leading lady. Women are statistics, and furniture in a couple of frames. I'm missing Mr. Corben's strong female characters.
Scanned from Spanish print. Apparently similar with the original English print.
Copyright © 2004 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: March 13, 2004. Modified: April 9, 2017.