You're a Big Girl Now. Original Art Plate"You're a Big Girl Now" pict

Story: Bruce Jones. Art: Richard Corben.

American, the original versions: The original version is 10 pgs long. Epilogue is on one page. There is no two extra pages and the final frame belongs to the end of the Epilogue page.
Italian print equals with English version. There's an extra tittle page in the beginning.

Danish version: In Danish version there is 11 pgs. Epilogue's final frame in on one (last) page, vertically, and there's on pg 10 two extra frames (see French version).

French version: In French version there is up to 12 pgs. Epilogue is on three pages and the final frame spreaded on two last ones. There is two extra frames in the beginning of pg 10; those are mirrored and stolen from page 1. &


American version (here pg 10), Epilogue was on one page. Pay attention on the final frame's right end and position of space ship and it's balloon. Page count: 10 pgs.

French version (here pg 10), Epilogue's first page. There is two frames in the beginning (mirrored and stolen from page 1!). Page count: 12 pgs (see next pict).

French version (here pg 11, and here pg 12), the final frame is spread on two last pages. Pay attention on position of space ship and it's balloon. Page count: 12 pgs (see prev. pict).

Danish version (here pg 10, and here pg 11), the beginning of Epilogue is like in French version (with two stolen and mirrored frames from pg 1!), but the final frame is vertically on only one page. Pay attention on position of space ship and it's balloon. Page count: 11 pgs.

Copyright © 2001 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: August 27, 2001. Modified: March 7, 2019.