Tales of Lovecraftian Horror #6 [FANZINE]
1997. Cryptic Publications; Bloomfield, NJ. $4.50. 52 pgs. [ober,wcorb,net].
Cover Art: “Evil Monk” [PICT]

Tarzine #53 [FANZINE]
Dec. 1986. 8.5″x11″. B&W. Fanzine. 16 pgs (incl. covers). Print run prob. bellow 500 copies per issue.
Issues #1 (1981) to #76/77 (May/June 1989): Starting with Robert E. Weintz, went on with Bill Ross, Oxon Hill, MD. $1.50, from #15: $2.00.
Bill Ross may start from #9 (1983) or #10 (1983). Issue #11 (June 1983) was already by Bill Ross. Ross tried to keep monthly schedule.
Issues #78 (1989), #79 (Nov. 1990), #80 (July 1991), #81 (June 1992), #82 (Feb. 1993): John McGuigan. $6.00. Issues #81 and #82 in color.
Issues from July 2004-: Tarzine. [barrett,hurtado,otten]Cover Art: “Victory Cry of the Bull Ape”. B&W. © 1970 by Robert R. Barrett [PICT].
Printed both yellow and blue covers, with the interior pages a yellowish eggshell.
Reprinted in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Fantastic Worlds (1996).
Télé 7 jours [MAGAZINE] [FRA]
Feb. 17, 2006. Print run of 1 879 000. [casselles]
Pg 128: “Aux frontières du surnaturel : bigfoot” by Andrea Barrick USA (2005) 1h05. [PICT]A Bigfoot cover pict.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Tegneserien i og utenfor rutene 2: Tegneseriens triangel [GUIDE] [NOR]
1997. By Morten Harper. Paperback. Telemark, Norway. In Norwegian. [håkan]Pgs 128-129: Richard Corben in article on American underground comics. An half page (reduced in size) excerpt from “Den” in color.
Tegneseriens hvem-hvad-hvor!!! [GUIDE] [DK]
(?) 1976. Politikens forlag, Denmark. In Danish. [ober,håkan]Pg 95: profile by Anders Hjorth-Jørgensen
Tesicle Pressure Vol. 8 #4 [MAGAZINE]
1997. Propulsions Production. New York. [ober]Pg 53: “Salute to the Comic Art of Richard Corben”. Critique.
Things To Come

Thuvia, a Maid of Mars [AUDIO]
Edgar Rice Burroughs, read by Grover Gardner. B&B Audio, 2 cassettes, 3 hours, abridged. [scheiman,ebay]Cover Art: “In a single bound I cleared the table and the diners…” (also printed in Llana of Gathol & John Carter of Mars (1977)). Color.
The Three Graces [NOVEL]
(?) Quantum Line of Dial Press. [ober]Cover Art: “The Three Graces”

Tod eines Engels [NOVEL] [GER]
1999. Zaubermondverlag. By Martin Kay. [otten]Cover Art [FiF, pgs 172-173]: “Bad for Good “

Toe Tags [COMICS]
No Corben inside!
Ongoing horror series edited by Bob Schreck (DC, 6 issues, 2004/2005). Story by George Romero. Art OUGHT TO BE by Richard Corben, but was instead by Tommy Castillo and Rodney Ramos. Covers by Berni Wrightson. There exists from this project only a portarit pict of George Romero by Richard Corben (see “Romero”, unpublished).
Tomas Man ili Filip K. Dik [PUBLICATION] [YSL]
In Yugoslavian language. [ober]Pgs 60-65: Critique by Zoran Dukanovic of “Svet mutanta”
Total Metal #9 [COMICS] [DK]
1986. Interpresse, Denmark. In Danish. [ober,håkan,lars]Pg 26: Critique by Anders Hjorth-Jørgensen.Total Metal
Tout Corben 1971-2020 [GUIDE][FRA]

Die Traume des Arzach [ART] [GER]
(?) (transl. “The Dreams of Arzach”) Portfolio. Carlsen Comics. In German. [ober]Plate: “The Rock of Everlasting Despare”. First print in Legends of Arzach #4 (1992).
Les Triomphes de la Bande Dessinee [GUIDE] [FRA]
April 1985. By J-M Lo Duca. Editions Dominique Leroy. 360 pgs. In French. [otten]Pgs 44-45: Five frames from “Horrible Howard’s House”. B&W.
Pg 154: Two frames from “A Gothic Tale [Part 2]”. B&W.
Pg 160: Two frames from “Den [I]”. B&W.
Pg 182: Two frames from “Den[I]”. B&W.
Pg 183: Four frames from “How Howie Did It In the Real World”. B&W.
Pg 187: A frame of breasts from “Den[I]”. B&W.
Pg 189: Two pages from “Den II”. B&W.
Pg 246: “Rowlf [European]”. One pager. Color.
Pg 315: One frame from “Den [I]”. B&W.
Pg 325: Two frames from “A Gothic Tale [Part 2]”. B&W.
Pg 352: One frame from “Rowlf”. B&W.

True Brit: Celebrating The Comic Book Artists Of England [GUIDE]
By George (EDT) Khoury. July 30th, 2004. TwoMorrows. 199 pgs. Paperback. [googlebook]Pgs 187: Minor text mention.
Turtlemania Special #1 [FANZINE]
1986. Metropolis Comics/Robert Wilson. [net]1) Regular (with a white cover): Print run of 3000.
2) Silver (with a grey cover, autographed on the back): Print run of 100.
3) Gold (with an orange cover and each having an original sketch and autograph on the back, plus at least one sample copy): Print run of 10 plus 1.
Contents: Turtletalk: A brief overview of Mirage Studios publishing history with print run information (2 pgs); TMNT Pin-Up Gallery (7 pgs); Richard Corben TMNT Preview (2 pgs); Rogues Gallery (1 pg); TMNT/Flaming Carrot/Cerebus spread “pull-out poster” by Bob Burden (2 pgs); A Rogues Gallery (3 pgs); TMNT/Cerebus preview from TMNT #8 (6 pgs); Donatello micro-series preview (4 pgs).
Tutt’a un tratto. Una storia della linea nel fumetto [GUIDE]
By Sergio Algozzino. 2005. Tunué. 160 pgs. In Italian. [googlebook]Pg 85: Minor text mention.
The Twilight Realm [NOVEL]
(?) 1986. Christopher Carpenter. Hard Bound. Pacer and Putnam. Also Paperback. Berkley/Pacer. [ober]Cover Art: “Flying Bats” (CI-card #22)

Twisted Tales [NOVEL]
Sept. 1987. By Bruce Jones. Blackthorne Publishing. 243 pgs.
1) Paperback. 4″x7″. $3.95. No Corben illustrations inside (Corben cover though).
2) Tradeback. 4-7/8″x8″. $9.95. Corben illustrations and a cover. [ober,msu,isfdb]Cover Art: “Wildman” [color: art2, pg 42]Pg 70: “The Window” [color: art2, pg 42]Pg 102: “Going Native” [color: art2, pg 43]Pg 114: “Butterfly” [color: art2, pg 46]Pg 144: “Nasty Boogy” (here as “Children of the Stars”) [color: art2, pg 45]Pg 182: “Cosmic Death” [color: art2, pg 44]

Tähtivaeltaja #9 [FANZINE] [FIN]
(Transl. “Starwanderer”). 1984. Helsinki Science Fiction Society. 52 pgs. A5. FIM 8. B&W. In Finnish. [id]Article “3. Seksi ja minä” (“Sex and me”), by Veikko Rekunen (pgs 13-15).
Pgs 14-15: Shattered excerpts: A nude dance from “Horrible Harvey’s House” [prob. from Metal Hurlant] and an uncensored “holding dick” scene from “Mangle, Robot Mangler” [from Slow Death #4 (1972)]Article “4. Viina, naiset ja laulu” (“Booze, women and singing”), by Minna kumpulainen & Sari Vennola (pg 16).
Pg 16: Still frame excerpt from a nude dance from “Horrible Harvey’s House” [prob. from Metal Hurlant].
Article “5. Herran jestas, nainen on nymfomaani” (“O mi God, she’s a nympho”), by Toni Jerrman (pg 17-18).
Pg 17: “Worship”
All as extra picts for mood.
Tähtivaeltaja #83 [FANZINE] [FIN]
(Transl. “Starwanderer”). 4/2002. Helsinki Science Fiction Society. Paperback. 100 pgs. B5. 5,90 Euros. Cover: full color. Guts: B&W. In Finnish. [id]Article “Shokki – lehti, joka toi kauhun Suomeen” (“Shock – the magazine that brought horror to Finland”), by Pekka A. Manninen (pgs 66-89). (Cf. Haamulinnan perillisiä (1992))
Pg 78: An excerpt from “Kirjatoukka” [from. Shokki 6/76] aka “Bookworm” [from. Eerie #32 (1971)]Pg 79: Short mention of Mr. Corben as a genius Warren artist, but from who was printed in Shokki just a couple stories.
Pg 89: Bruce Jones’ Twisted Tales was more EC horror than Warren, except Mr. Corben’s works. And in a list of what ex-horror artists are nowadays: Mr. Corben was mentioned as a new artist for DC Vertigo and Marvel’s Max.
This extra large article appeared first time in Finnish Comics Festival 2002 as a lecture. “Shokki” was reprinting stories from “Creepy” and “Eerie”.
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: May 17, 2002. Last updated: June 11, 2022 at 7:19 am