Hard Bounds
A list of the main Hard Bound books by Richard Corben. Some of the signed and numbered Hard Bound books bears a bookplate. At least two different versions exist.
- Art Book #1 (1992)
- Art Book #2 (1994)
- Bloodstar (1976)
- The Bodyssey [Fantagor] (1993)
- Cage (2002)
- Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012)
- Den [I] (1978)
- Den 2 (1984)
- Den 3 (1992)
- Den 4 (1992)
- Den 5 (1992)
- Edgar Allan Poe (1985)
- A Feast Unknown (1975)
- Flights into Fantasy (1981)
- Richard Corben's Funnybook (1976)
- The House on the Borderland (2000)
- Jeremy Brood: "Relativity" (1983)
- Haunt of Horror: Edgar Allan Poe (2006)
- Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft (2008)
- Mutant World (1983)
- Night Images (1976)
- Last Voyage of Sindbad (1988)
- Edgar Allan Poe's Spirits of the Dead (2014)
- Tales of the Black Diamond (1993)
- Vic and Blood: The Chronicles of a Boy and his Dog (1989)
- Vic and Blood: The Continuing Adventures of a Boy and his Dog (2003)
- Werewolf (1984)
Also several Hellboy books, Conan, and from Warren Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella Archieves. The European prints are often Hard Bounds as well.
Copyright © 2011 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: July 11, 2011. Modified: January 2, 2019.