A Corben Special #1

Edgar Allan Poe
May 1984. Pacific Comics. 6-3/4"x10-1/4". $1.50. 32[+4] pages. Cover: glossy color. Guts: glossy color on white. © 1984 by Richard Corben. [id]

"Beneath the House of Usher"
Front Cover Art-Richard Corben (1983). Color.

"The Fall of the House of Usher"
28 pgs: pgs 1-28. s-Edgar Allan Poe. adapt./a-Richard Corben (© 1983). c-Herb & Diana Arnold. Color. Lettering: printed. Reprint in Edgar Allan Poe (1985).

Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: 2000. Modified: January 7, 2020.