Translated Corben in Spain
Top cómics 
Top cómics #5
"Las Criptas de Yoh Vombis"
Original story: "The Vaults of Yoh Vombis"
10 pgs. s-Clark Ashton Smith. adapt/a/c/r[DenSaga #2 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Top cómics #6
"El regreso del hechicero"
Original story: "The Return of the Sorcerer"
10 pgs. s-Clark Ashton Smith. adapt/a/c/r[DenSaga #3 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Top cómics #7
"Den Saga 1 - El trato de Bog"
Original story: DenSaga Epilogue #2: "Bog's Deal"
4 pgs. s/a/c/r[Heavy Metal #141 (1992)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Top cómics #8
"Den Saga 2 - Mola la topo"
Original story: DenSaga Epilogue #3: "Mola the Mole"
4 pgs. s/a/c/r[Heavy Metal #145 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Top cómics #10 
"Rock Climbing"
Front Cover Art/r[DenSaga #2 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"La luz al final del túnel"
Original story: DenSaga Epilogue #4: "The Light at the End of the Tunnel"
8 pgs. s/a/r[Heavy Metal #149 (1994)]-Richard Corben. c-Richard Corben & Beth Corben. Color.
Copyright © 2004 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: July 4, 2004. Modified: June 28, 2018.