From the Pit

Fantagor Press, 10"x14-1/4", $4.95, 36 pages. Covers: glossy color, insides: B&W. Guts: glossy color. [id,ober]
From the Pit is based on a Richard Corben 's old screenplay called Amazons Below.
There was never more than one number in this serial (planned to be seven). This was last issue Fantagor ever printed. Remaining copies destroyed by
Richard Corben.

See also Coloring "From the Pit".

From the Pit #1

1994. Notes from the Pit (2 pgs). [id]

"From the Pit #1"
Front Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.

Pg 2: Mail, part 1. B&W. PICT
Pg 35. Mail, part 2. B&W. PICT

"From the Pit", Part 1(7)
20 pgs: pgs 3-22. s/a-Richard Corben, c-Beth Corben. Color. Lettering: printed. A B&W sequel printed in Odds and Ends (2009).

"The Rats in the Walls"
10 pgs: pgs 23-32. s-H.P. Lovecraft (© 1945 Donald Wandrei), adapt/a/r[Skull Comix #5 (1972)]- Richard Corben, c-Beth Corben. Color. Lettering: printed.
Total color version. In this version, lots of rewritten texts (Delapore has got a thick southern accent). On last pg lots of redrawn sections: First 3 frms removed. Now frm-1 is kind of mirror image of frm 5 (of pg 6). Frm 4 (of pg 10) is same as original, but frms 2 & 3 are morfo images on the way from frm 1 to 4. Last and the bottom of fifth frame (of pg 10) are highly digitally manipulated.

Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: 2000. Modified: July 18, 2019.