Fire Sale

1989. RipOff Press. $2.50. 52 pgs. 7"x10". [id]

"Slash and Burn" Synopsis
2 pgs. s/a-Richard Corben. B&W.

Others (mostly pagers and picts): Mark Bóde, Jay Kinney, Harlan Ellison, Larry Todd, Spain Rodriguez, Justin Green, Dan O'Neill, Sheridan Anderson, Gary Hallgren, Trina Robbins, R.L. Crabb, S. Clay Wilson, Paul Mavrides, Sharon Rudahl, Jack "Jaxon" Jackson, Bruce Sweeney, William Loebs, Steve Leialoha, Peter Bagge, Larry Rippee, Willy Murphy, Scott Shaw, John Edgar, Jim Valentino, Michael T. Gilbert, Kevin Eastman, Eric Vincent, Bill Ritts, Mark Roland, Randy Vogel, George Metzger, Hal Robins, Jorge Pacheco, Guy Colwell, William Stout, Kate Worley, Reed Waller, Larry Welz.

Copyright © 2003 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: August 7, 2003. Modified: December 6, 2009.