Burroughs Bulletin
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Fanzine. [ober]
Burroughs Bulletin contents[web].
Burroughs Bulletin [I] #34
Feb. 1974.
"The Ape Man"
Front Cover Art-Richard Corben.
Tarzan: "Chance Meeting!" aka "Tarzan Meets La! "
2 pgs: pgs 8-9. s/a-Richard Corben.
Color. Reprinted in Graphic Gallery #6
On contents page mislabeled as "Tarzan
meets LA". Also on the top of Front Cover a text: "inside - Tarzan
Meets LA! By Rich Corben".
Burroughs Bulletin [I] #39
July. 1974. 20 pgs.
Front Cover Art & pgs 10-11 centerspread-Richard Corben. B&W.
Illustrates Beware by E.R. Burroughs.
"Just As Saranov Raised His Weapon..." (FiF,
pg 193 bottom)
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. B&W.
Burroughs Bulletin [II] #72
Fall 2007. 40 pgs. [wbub,barrett]
"The King of Rats...advanced slowly toward Carter."
Pg 9. Pict. a/r[Llana of Gathol & John Carter of Mars (1977)]Richard Corben. B&W.
"John Carter of Mars: The Completely True and Factual Story Behind the Story" by Robert Barrett. With three Reed Crandall and one Richard Corben (see above) picts.
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series,
Created: 20th July 20, 2002. Modified:
December 29, 2016.