Up from the Deep #1
May 10, 1971. Rip Off Press. 6-7/8"x10". $1.00.
48[+4] pages. Cover: glossy color. Guts: newsprint, except pgs
17-32: full color on white.
1st: Sky on the back cover is blue,
2nd: Sky is red. [id,oug,ober]
"Up from the Deep "
Cover Art [art2, pg 15]-Richard Corben.
"When Dreams Collide"
8 pgs: pgs 9-16. s/a-Richard Corben.
B&W. Reprinted in Richard Corben's Funny Book (1976)
and Richard Corben Complete Works
#3 (1987)
"Cidopey "
8 pgs: pgs 25-32. s/a/c-Richard Corben.
Color. Reprinted in Richard Corben's Funny Book (1976),
The Odd Comic World of Richard
Corben (1978) and Richard
Corben Complete Works #1 (1985).
Mr. Corben's first published color work.
Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series,
Created: 2000. Modified:
October 23, 2009.