Aliens: Alchemy. Original Art Plate"Aliens: Alchemy"

22+22+22 pgs. Appeared first time Color in Aliens: Alchemy #1 to #3 (1997).
Story: John Arcudi. Art: Richard Corben (no signature). Color: John Pound, except #3. Stuart Hiner, Lettering: Gary Fields.

France [FRA]: as "Aliens: Alchemy [FRA]" in Aliens: Alchemy [FRA] (2001).
Germany [GER]: as "Aliens [GER]: Alchemie" Color in Aliens [GER] #2 (2009), and as "Aliens [GER]: Alchemie" [B&W] in Alien Classic Omnibus (2017).
Italy [ITA]: as "Aliens: Alchemy [ITA]" in Aliens: Alchemy [ITA] (2004), and in The Dark Side of Comics #8: Aliens [ITA] (2006).
Spain [SPA]: as "Aliens: Alchemy [SPA]" in Aliens: Alchemy [SPA] (2003).

Style: Black ink with colors. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Nudity: Voluptuous girl.
Original Art Plate: Drawn with Sharpie and Pigma pen on Strathmore paper, size 11"x17".
Keywords: Ghost. Religion. Fanatism. Spaceship. Beast. Machine. Old Woman.
Synopsis: Locals are worshipping a wrack of spaceship. Their god looks like Bob Fett from Star Wars. But city is also terroriced by a beast. A group of armed people try to beat the unbeaten horror.
Comment: Corben does an enthusiastic work on Alien. The story by John Arcudi is interesting cyber story, and it has got in the very end a necessary three page shattered fight against the monster.

Aliens: Alchemy, Part 1, 22 pgs

Aliens: Alchemy, Part 2, 22 pgs

Aliens: Alchemy, Part 3, 22 pgs

Copyright © 2003 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: November 20, 2003. Modified: June 22, 2019.