Karen Gilbertson, a model
Crossreference: | “Eulalie” |
Bruce Jones was talking in the interview in The Warren Companion [TB] (2001), on pgs 179-180, about his collaboration with Mr. Corben in “In Deep”.
He says, “Corben used to take a lot of pictures of me and use me as a model. There was a girl named Karen Gibertson that he also used. At the same time we were working on these stories (“In Deed,” “Time and Time Again”), we were involved in home movie-making [like, “The Dark Planet”], so she was around at the same time. Karen, Corben, and I were spending time together, so she became a natural part of that. She was in several stories; she was in the time-travelling trilogy. So that was her hair and her figure; Corben girls tend to all be buxom but in that case, that was really Karen. She was a dream. She worked up in Macy’s with my wife and we were casting about from a model so Karen said she was interested. I remember I brought her to Corben’s house and his jaw dropped to the ground. It was nirvana; like finding Marilyn Monroe! He used her a lot; she was willing and able, shall we say, to pose in any manner necessary.”
Karen did appear at least in following stories: “Den [I]” (possible also as a single photo reference in other DenSaga stories), “In Deep”, “Within You Without You”, “Time and Time Again”, “Years & Mind Forever”, “Neverwhere”, “Mutant World”, “The Bodyssey”, “Ogre [I]” and “Ogre II”. She might be posing for Horrilor: “Harrowing Heights”, “Horrior at Her Desk”, “Horrior, Eager and Waitin”, and “Horrior’s Fare Well”.
She was in flesh in a film “The Dark Planet”.
She posed for several pictures, like “Den and Kath in Gateway”, “Neverwhere [European]”, “The Worm God”, “Treed by Triceratops”, “In Deep”, “Tiger Girl”, “The Heart of the Sea’s Desire”, “Anthology of Slow Death”, and “Thark Battle”.
“Doomscult” is a foto-comics and it has got two girls, Karen Feeley and Estelle Gunderson. One of them looks pretty close to Karen Gilbertson.
Copyright © 2003 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: June 13, 2003. Last updated: January 12, 2020 at 14:25 pm