Richard Corben tends to alter his old stories, remake them or make cross references in between.
In the case of “Murky World [II]!” (2017) he made multiple connection to his other stories:
Four mid frames on Part 1, pg 8 were mirrored from similar frames in “Den #4” (1988).
Parts 9 and 10 used entire layouts (on same frames) from Shadows in the Mist, Part 2(2): “Tower of Ho!” (1998), from several frames.
The end of Part 11 was almost exactly same as the end of Murky World [I], only the protagonist was switched. The speaking lines were not always the same.
The entire Part 12 was almost exactly same as the beginning of Murky World [I]. There was only four additional frames in the very beginning of the chapter.
The entire Part 13 was as close to 8 pages of Murky World [I] as possible. All new pages were clearly wider than the B&W version, including minor extra art work on them. The first frame of last page was altered a lot.
The 14th chapter of “Murky World [II]” has got only four pages similar with “Murky World [I]”. There are similar panels but a lot redrawn as well. The 3rd page is mostly new and in the 4th the mid strip is new. The giant girl is now nude after sleep. The last 4 pages are new but story wise it went back to the beginning.
Copyright © 2020 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: January 4, 2020. Last updated: August 28, 2020 at 22:05 pm