Legends of Arzach #4 [ART]
1992. Portfolio, Tundra. © Starwatcher. Written by Lofficier. Illustrations by Moebius. [ober,wloffi]Printed also in English in Visions of Arzach (1994). in Spanish in Visiones de Arzach and in Cimoc #151, and in German in Die Traume des Arzach.
Other plates: Norm Breyfogle, John Buscema, Tim Conrad, David Mazzucchelli, Angus McKie, Jon J. Muth & P. Craig Russell.
Cover: “The Rock of Everlasting Despair [Cover]”
1 of 6 interior plates: “The Rock of Everlasting Despair [Plate]”
Lens of The World [NOVEL]
March 2006. By R. A. MacAvoy. Paperback. IBooks. $6.99. 286 pgs. The reprint of first book in the series of Nazhuret of Sordaling (published first time in June 1990). [isfdb]Cover Art: “Space Prodigal” (here man in a space suit framed out!) [PICT]
Revista: De Letra Em Letra (Versão Online) vol. 3 no. 1 [POR]
Livin’ in Hysteria
Llana of Gathol & John Carter of Mars [NOVEL]
May 1977. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. Hard Bound. Nelson Doubleday SFBC. 5-3/4″x8-1/2″. $3.50. 314 pgs. [ober,ebay,isfdb,barrett]
The book is last one from the series of six; the other five are by Frank Frazetta. It is the complete series of Burroughs’ Mars books: first book by it’s own, the others two in one volume. This book contains “Llana of Gathol”, “John Carter and the Giant of Mars”, and “Skeleton Men of Jupiter”).
Wraparound Cover Art: “Thark Battle” (FiF, pgs 124-125, A Princess of Mars) . Color. [PICT]
Frontispiece: “I cut once, and the foul head rolled to the floor…”. B&W. [PICT]
Pg 94: “In a single bound I cleared the table and the diners…” (also printed in Thuvia, a Maid of Mars and Graphic Collectibles #3 (1984)). B&W. [PICT]
Pg 130: “As we passed over her…she burst into flames.” (also printed in Warlord of Mars). B&W. [PICT]
Pg 200: “The King of Rats…advanced slowly toward Carter.”. B&W. [PICT]
Pg 214: “Quietly he started to edge his way along a ledge…” (also printed in Graphic Collectibles #3 (1984)). B&W. [PICT]
Pg 306: “The thing started to lift me from the ground…” (also printed in The Gods of Mars and Graphic Collectibles #3 (1984)). B&W. [PICT]
Locus #720 vol. 86 #1
Jan. 2021. The magazine of science fiction & fantasy field. $8,99.
Pg 58: “Obituaries”. Appreciations for Ben Bova from Joe Haldeman, Stanley Schmidt, and Pierce Watters. “Other obituaries: Richard Corben”. “Death Noted: Dean Ing”
Lone Wolf Gamebooks

- Spin-off series: World of the Lone Wolf Gamebooks
Lore I, #3: the Digest of Maddening Fiction [FANZINE]
Winter (Dec.) 1995. Rod Heather, PO Box 381, Matawan NJ 07747-0381. $4.00. 60 pgs. Magazine. A5. [ober,isfdb]Cover Art: “Hand Mouth” [PICT]
Lore I, #5: the Digest of Maddening Fiction [FANZINE]
Summer 1996. Rod Heather, PO Box 381, Matawan NJ 07747-0381. $4.00. 64 pgs. [ober,wcorb04,net]Cover Art: “Uluhtc and Will” [PICT]
Lore I, #7: the Digest of Maddening Fiction [FANZINE]
Summer 1997. Rod Heather, PO Box 381, Matawan NJ 07747-0381. [ober]Pg 21: “Return to Y’ha-nthlei” [PICT]
Pg 52: “Heater’s Grave” [PICT]
Lore I, #8: the Digest of Maddening Fiction [FANZINE]
Autumn (Oct.) 1997. Rod Heather (editor), PO Box 381, Matawan NJ 07747-0381. $4.00. 56 pgs (incl. covers). 5.5″x8.5″. A5. Magazine. Printrun of 500. [ober,isfdb]Cover Art: “Lore I, #8” [PICT]
Pg 6: “Water and the Spirit” (illustrates the story, “Water and the Spirit” by Brian McNaughton) [PICT]
Lore II, #1 [FANZINE]
April 2012. Lore Firm. Rod Heather & Sean O’Leary (editor). $19.95. 172 pgs. [wlore,lopez]Wraparound Cover Art: “Lore II, #1” (© Dec. 2011) [PICT]
The cover was made specially for Lore II, #1.
“The Courage to Lose Shight of the Shore” by Rod Heather (3 pgs). Almost one and half pages from the start Rod Heather describes how he found and locked with Richard Corben for Lore covers and illustrations.
Lovecraftian Media #15 [PUBLICATION]
(?) Bob Price, ed. [ober]Interview, by Dan Ross and Toren Atkinson.
Lurker in the Lobby, Vol. II: The Best of the H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival [FILM]
Nov. 2000. A VHS (NTSC & PAL) compilation of selected amateur films from the festivals of 1999 and 2000. 86 min. [wbb]Includes short films “The Canal” and “Dagon” (by Richard Corben).
Lurker in the Lobby: The Guide to The Cinema Of H. P. Lovecraft [PUBLICATION]
June 1st, 2006. Diamond Comic Distributors. [ecampus]Includes movie, short film and television reviews, interviews, etc. (see full table of contents) [link updated Feb. 20, 2016]Pg 153: “Dagon”
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: May 17, 2002. Last updated: July 30, 2021 at 17:22 pm