MTG Cardsmith: Ragemoor 
There is MTG Cardsmith “fan fiction”. MTG Cardsmith offers the online service where fans can created collecting cards by themselves. Cards are not printed but they are downloadable. A fan who calls oneself as Biblio (May 31, 2015) made a Ragemoor card which reads, “{t}: Add {b}, {r}, or {g} to your mana pool. / Whenever a creature you control dies, Ragemoor deals 1 damage to target player, then he or she discards a card at random, then put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature.”. And there is as a main pict, the cover of Ragemoor #1 (2012).
RanXerox in New York
By Stefano Tamburini (story) and Tanino Liberatore (art). Original story printed as a hard cover book in 1982 by Ed. Albin Michel. [web].
Introduction (prob. only in American edition) by Richard Corben.
Reallexikon Der Deutschen Literaturwissenschaft

By Harald (EDT) Fricke, Jan-Dirk Müller, Klaus Grubmüller, Klaus Weimar. March 1st, 1997. Walter de Gruyter. Hard Bound. [googlebook].
Pg 313: Minor text mention.
Realm #5 
Oct. 1972. Art Nouveau Publications, Springfield MO. [ober].
Pgs 53-54: “Journey To Gore’s Dungeon”. Interview by Ed Romero.
Pg 53: Photo of Jan Strnad and Richard Corben. B&W.
Pg 54: “Castle Girl” B&W.
Pg 56: “Richard Corben by Herb”. Artist: Herb Arnold. B&W.
Rebel Visions – The Underground Comix Revolution 1963-1975 
2002(?). By Patrick Rosenkranz. Fantagraphics. $40. 9″x12″. 292 pgs. Heavily illustrated (B&W and color). Iinformative. Well researched. Oversized. Hard Bound. [håkan,wbp].
Richard Corben included in several places, with a few illustration examples.
Return of the Streetfighter 
(?) 1975. Movie one-sheet (promo poster). [ober].
It looks like there is no The Return of the Street Fihgter (1975) by Corben. The only existing poster resamples his style but is evidently not by him. Neal Adams has made some related posters though.
Return to Innsmouth 
Aug. 1st, 1999. Animation video directed by Aaron Vanek, produced by Andrew Migliore, for Beyond Books. VHS (NTSC & PAL) video, 30min + 16min documentary. US$15.00. [wbb,ober].
Cover Art designed by Dan Ross (used the deep one monster designed by Richard Corben, based on a drawing by Toren Atkinson)
Revista: De Letra Em Letra (Versão Online) vol. 3 no. 1 
2016. Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. Color. 256 pgs. [issuu.com] [PDF (broken link: http://www.revistadeletraemletra.com.br/RevistaDeLetraEmLetra_vol3_n1_2016.pdf)] [Google Translated version].
Pgs 216-228: Article, “O Corvo – Intertextualidade, Técnica e Tecnologia nas adaptações da Obra de Edgar Allan Poe por Richard Corben” aka “The Raven – Intertextuality, Technique and Technology in the Adaptations of the Work of Edgar Allan Poe by Richard Corben” by Rodrigo Stormberg Guinski. No picts. In Portugese only.
The aim of this paper is to discuss certain aspects of the comic book adaptations of poems and short stories by the writer Edgar Allan Poe made by the artist Richard Corben. Corben published these adaptations in various periods of his career and through different publishers. Issues such as the
transposition of textual material for other media, in this case comics, and how this establishes intertextual relations between Corben’s work and other media, will be examined. Other aspects covered are the expressive use of color, the exploration of several illustration techniques, the relationship between artwork and the narrative content, and how the evolution of offset printing technology, with special attention to methods of color separation before and after the use of the personal computer to perform the task in the 1980s influenced Corben’s color artwork.Key words: comics; literary; technology
Sin palabras #6: Richard Corben (Un rebelde tranquilo)
Richard Corben’s Art Books 
By Jan Strnad. May, 2000. Xlibris Corporation. 352 pgs. Paperback (“print in demand”, i.e. no fixed quantity of prints). [plogg].
Front Cover Art: “Risen” (frame excerpt from the story “New Tales of the Arabian Nights”, pg 55, first frame extremely trunken)
Robert E. Howard: A Short Biography of Robert E. Howard 
1999. Rusty Burke. 64 pgs. Cross Plains Comics, NY. [ober].
Pg 21: “Ga-Nor”
Robert E. Howard: Lone Star Fictioneer I, 3 
Fall 1975. Nemedian Chronicles, Shawnee Mission KS. [id].
Cover Art: “And Kane Went Mad!”, by Alan Weiss. Color by Richard Corben and Herb Arnold.
Pgs 36-37: “Interview: Glenn Lord”, by REHLSF. They talk about upcoming Richard Corben‘s “King of the Northern Abyss” (that is workname for “Bloodstar”), the fleshed out “The Valley of the Worm”.
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #68 
Before the advent of Alan Light’s T.B.G. (The Buyer’s Guide) in 1971, the Rocket Blast was the marketpalce for Comic Book Fandom and related collecting fields. There was no Internet, nor Comic Book Shops and the only Conventions were in New York City and a few other large cities held on a sporadic basis.
1970. S.F.C.A./G.B. Love. Comic book fanzine, adzine. [ebayes].
Ad on pg 234 (?): “Support Fantagor #1: On Guard”
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #74 
1970. S.F.C.A. 2000 print of run. [ober].
Cover: “Planetary Geographic” (FiF, pg 55)
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #79 
1970. S.F.C.A. 8-1/2″x11″. 124 pgs. [lopez,ober,ebay].
Pg 9 (the first page of an ad): “Help starving fanzine editor”. B&W.
Pg 10 (the second page of an ad): “Lizard’s Lunch”. B&W.
Pg 115: A frame from “The Story of Oteg” (the last frame of pg 6). B&W.
Cover by John Adkins Richardson of The Spirit. Full page illo of Luthor by Don Newton. Letters column includes a letter from Richard Corben. PULPS article on H.P. Lovecraft by James Van Hise. Column by Andy Warner. Comic Collector’s Comments. Full page illo by Jim Jones of The Hulk. Ray Miller’s Information Center. Many old ads (2 have Richard Corben art in the ads). [ebay]
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #80 
Apr.(?) 1971. S.F.C.A. Print run of 2000. [ober,ebay,lopez].
Pg 19: Praise for Richard Corben in letter from James Loehr.
Pg 19: “Daemon, Address Frame”
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #81 
May(?) 1971. S.F.C.A. Print run of 2000. [ober,ebay].
Front Cover: “Skull Asteroid” (FiF, pg 53)
Back Cover: an ad for ‘Miamicon 2’ (August 20 & 21, 1971). Under ‘Original Art Display’, it lists “Space People” by Richard Corben, and under ‘Auctions’, it says “an unpublished piece” by Richard Corben.
Pg 6-7: an ad for ‘D Con’71’ (July 8-11, 1971) in Dallas, Texas
Pg 7: mention of film “Neverwhere [the Movie]” (1968) at ‘Amateur Film Festival’
Pg 90 column, “Hot Air from a Cool Fan”, states that the Jan., 1971 Miamicon was put together on a $100 budget: $35 for rental of the hall, and, among other expenses, $10 for the rental of an 8mm film projector. “And Richard Corben was kind to loan us “Neverwhere [the Movie]” (1968).”
Pg 91: “Jewels of Gwahlur” [Golden Age #7 (1971)].
A Corben fan was worried (letters page section on pg 19 of this issue) about the bad quality of this artwork in Golden Age print. The editor replies that it was printed inadvertently flipped (i.e. mirror image) by printer. Here artwork has been reprinted as it suppoused to be!
Pg 93: an ad for Golden Age #7 (1971) for the six-page portfolio, “World of Conan”, showing “Gorilla with Wings” (size of 1/4 of the page)
ROCKET’S BLAST COMICOLLECTOR #81 (1981) 8 1/2 x 11, 128 pages. Fine condition.
Cover by Richard Corben. Full page drawing of Darkseid by Skip Olson. A 2 page letters column. Reprint of a 3 page article on Gordon Love which appeared in the Miami Herald weekend magazine. PULPS column on The Spider by James Van Hise and Robert Weinberg. Ray Miller’s RBCC INFORMATION CENTER and Howard Siegel’s COMIC COLLECTOR’S COMMENTS. Centerspread by Don Newton illustrating the H.P. Lovecraft verse “The Dweller.” Column by Andy Warner with an accompanying full page Richard Corben Conan illo which had been misprinted in THE GOLDEN AGE #7. A 2 page interview with Jack Kirby by Bruce Hamilton, with a logo by Tom Sutton (this interview caused quite a stir at the time and has been much referenced ever since). The rest of the issue is comprised of ads for old comics and fanzines. Ads for such fanzines as for the first volume of the Overstreet PRICE GUIDE, HERITAGE, GRAPHIC STORY MAGAZINE #13 and a JEFF JONES portfolio. Published by G.B. Love. [ebay]
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #82 
June/July (?) 1971. S.F.C.A. Print run of 2000. [ober,ebay].
Pg 187: one paragraph letter from Richard Corben complimenting “Maxor”
Early comic book collector fanzine published by GB Love. The Hawkman by Don Newton on cover. Ads and editorial material from: Bob Overstreet, Russ Cochran, Richard Corben, Bill Thailing, Houstoncon ’71, Claude Held, Collectors Book Store Gary Groth, James Van Hise, Howard Siegel, Buddy Saunders, etc. Circulation is listed at 2000 for this issue. [ebay]
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #83 
Aug.(?) 1971. S.F.C.A. Print run of 2000. [ober,ebay].
Cover: “Cyclops “ (FiF, pg 11 upper right, art2, pg 12)
Pg 97: mention of film “Neverwhere [the Movie]” (1968) shown at D-Con.
Featuring Richard Corben cover art in color. Kirk Alyn Interview of Superman serials and films. Article on D-CON held July 8-11, 1971 with photos of Jerry Weist, Forrest Ackerman, Robert Bloch, David Smith and Bruce Hershenson. This issue also features an ad for the 2nd printing of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide with a drawing of Bob Overstreet. Handling wear impressions on cover with small light creases. [ebay]
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #90 
(?) S.F.C.A. [ober].
Pg 18: “Tars Tarkas with Sword and Pistol” in ad for Mid American Con.
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #100 
(?) 1973. 2225, S.F.C.A. [ober].
Pg 41: Reprint of the cover of Rocket Blast Comic Collector #81 (1971). Pager. B&W.
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #125 
(?) S.F.C.A. [ober].
Pgs 47, 48: mentioned in a review by James Van Hise of “A Feast Unknown”
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #129 
Aug. 1976. S.F.C.A., Coral Gables FL. [ober].
Pg 16: Abbreviated bibliography
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #142 
April 1978. S.F.C.A. [ober].
Pg 29: Critique of Richard Corben by James Van Hise
Pg 50: Richard Corben mentioned in review of “Hot Stuf” #5 by Mark Burbey
Rocket Blast Comic Collector #147 
Feb. 1979. $1.95. [ebay].
There was on eBay mention that in this issue ought to be Richard Corben art but apparently that info was false.
W.B. Dubay’s The Rook Archives Vol. 3 
Nov. 1, 2017. Dark Horse. [wdk].
Cover Art: “Buck Blaster [Art Plate]”
Others: William B. DuBay (story), Jim Starlin (art), Lee Elias (art), Jim Janes (art), Alfredo Alcala (art), Jose Ortiz (art).
RRAAH! #31

1995. In German. [comicde].
Cover Art: “Kath Grasped by Ard” (trunked mid frame from pg 79 of “Neverwhere”)
Pgs 8-15: “Im Blickpunkt” (article about Richard Corben, prob. with bibliography)
Rumble #13 
Aug. 17, 2016. Image Comics. [tfaw].
Alternative Cover Art: “Rumble #13” by Richard Corben and Reed
Insides: John Arcudi, James Harren.
Russ Cochran’s Comic Art Auction Catalog (several #’s) 
(?) 1980-1981. [ober].
Richard Corben mentioned.
Russ Cochran’s Mothly Art List Catalog (several #’s) 
(?) 1979. [ober].
Richard Corben mentioned.
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: May 17, 2002. Last updated: June 5, 2023 at 21:12 pm