Translated Corben in France
(in French)
Den: Première époque [FRA]
1st: Jan. 1978. 2nd: Oct. 1981. 3rd: 1985. 4th: April 1991. Humanoïdes Associés. 1st: 120 pgs in color, 22.00 x 28.80 cm. [bob,rossi,wchez,wbed,ebayfr,cw]The first print (1978) had subname under Den: Le voyage à fantastique Nullepart.
“Den Triumphant”
1st: Front Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Neverwhere [European]”
2nd: Front Cover Art [Den [I] [Catalan] (1984)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den and Kath Fly”
2nd: Back Cover Art [Den [I] [Catalan] (1984)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den Triumphant [Close-Up]”
3rd: Front Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den: Première époque”
Original story: “Den I”
s/a/c/r[Grim Wit #2 (1973), Heavy Metal #1 (1977) to #13 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Den: Seconde époque
1st: Sept. 1983. 2nd: 1987. 3rd: June 1991. Humanoïdes Associés. 1st: 104 pgs in color. [ober,rossi,wchez,wbed,ebayfr]
“Den’s Women”
1st: Front Cover Art [art1, pg 19]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den and the Locnar”
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den and the Locnar”
2nd or 3rd: Front Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
In a small middle frame Den in front is from “Den’s Women”, but the rocky background is unidentified.
“Muvovum skyscape”
1 pict: a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den: Seconde époque”
Original story: “Den II: Muvovum”
s/a/c/r[Heavy Metal #54 (1981) to #72 (1982)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La saga de Den
Comics USA-Glénat.
La saga de Den Tome 1: La cité des bruits
Feb. 1990. 56 pgs. [bob,rossi,wchez,wbed]
“Dreams and Alarums [Close-Up]”
Front Cover Art [art1, pg 50, Den [III] #1 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den’s Remembered Physiques”
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den va examiner la carnage” aka “Den moves warily through the carnage”
Inside Covers Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Son esprit est ailleurs” aka “In his mind, he is far away from this place”
1 pict: a-Richard Corben. Color.
“La saga de Den 1: La cite des bruits”
Original story: “Den 4: Dreams”
Pay attention: They divide original stories Den 4 and Den 5 in three parts: La Saga de Den 1 to 3.
La Saga de Den 1, Part 1(2): “Dormilon Dreams and Alarums”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Den [III] #1 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La Saga de Den 1, Part 2(2): “Reveries in Cragor [The City of Sounds]”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Den [III] #2 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La saga de Den Tome 2: La maison du silence
Aug. 1990. 52 pgs. [bob,rossi,wchez,wbed]
“Den Hits Ghoul”
Front Cover Art [art1, pg 55, Den [III] #6 (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Gunfire on Dead Hill”
Back Cover Art [art1, pg 52, Den [III] #3 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“He does not seem too concerned by the fall”
Inside Covers Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Mais je veux une preuve d’abord” aka “But show me something first”
1 pict: a-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den: La maison du silence”
Original stories: “Den 4: Dreams” and “Den 5: Elements”
Pay attention: They divide original stories Den 4 and Den 5 in three parts: La Saga de Den 1 to 3.
La saga de Den 2, Part 1(2): “The House of Silence”, here as “La maison du silence”
s-Simon Revelstroke & corb. a/c/r[Den [III] #3 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La saga de Den 2, Part 2(2): “The King of Air and Darkness”, here as “Le roi de air et de la nuit noire”
s-Simon Revelstroke & corb. a/c/r[Den [III] #4 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La saga de Den Tome 3: Le monde englouti
Jan. 1991. 52 pgs. [bob,rossi,wchez,wbed]
Front Cover Art [art1, pg 53, Den [III] #5 (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Kil Leaps”
Back Cover Art [art1, pg 54, Den [III] #7 (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Verce par une vibration” aka “Warmth and a pleasureable vibration envelope him”
Inside Covers Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Deja Vu”
1 pict: a-Richard Corben. Color.
“La saga de Den 3: Le monde englouti”
Original stories: “Den 5: Elements”
Pay attention: They divide original stories Den 4 and Den 5 in three parts: La Saga de Den 1 to 3.
La saga de Den 3, Part 1(3): “Drowned Worlds”, here as “Le monde englouti”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Den [III] #5 (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La saga de Den 3, Part 2(3): “Giants Below”, here as “Deja vu”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Den [III] #6 (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
La saga de Den 3, Part 3(3): “The Phoenix Fallen”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Den [III] #7 (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Prob. there is no division between parts 2 and 3; i.e. both as “Deja Vu”.
1st: Enfants du feu
2nd: La saga de Den Tome 4: Enfants du feu
1st: Jan. 1988. 50 pgs. 30 €. [wbed] 2nd: Aug. 1992. 80 pgs- 12 €. [wchez,rossi,wbed]
“Treasure Found”
1st: Front Cover Art [art1, pg 43, CI-card #36, Children of Fire #2 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Flying Knee”
1st: Back Cover Art [art1, pg 45, Children of Fire #3 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Kil and Mal”
1st: Title Page [art1, pg 42, Children of Fire #1 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“The Egg”
2nd: Front Cover Art [Den 3: Children of Fire (1992)]-Richard Corben. Color.
1st: “Enfants du feu”
2nd: “La saga de Den 4: Enfants du feu”
Original story: “Den 3: Children of Fire”
Enfants du feu, Part 1(3): “Children of Fire [#1]”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Children of Fire #1 (1987)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Enfants du feu, Part 2(3): “Children of Fire [#2]”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Children of Fire #2 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Enfants du feu, Part 3(3): “Children of Fire [#3]”
s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben. a/c/r[Children of Fire #3 (1988)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Den: La quête
Den: La quête Tome 1
Oct. 1999. 44 pgs. [id]
“Yellow Drape”
Front Cover Art [DenSaga #3 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Den and Dragon Wall”
Back Cover Art [DenSaga #1 (1992)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Moderately small size.
Pg 4: Preface by Moebius
“Le prix des souvenirs”
Original story: DenSaga, Part 1: “The Price of Memories”
20 pgs: pg 5-24. s/a/r[DenSaga #1 (1992)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Des jours sur Heaven”
Original story: DenSaga, Part 2: “Days on Heaven”
16 pgs: pgs 25-40. s/a/r[DenSaga #2 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Le marché de Bog”
Original story: DenSaga Epilogue #2: “Bog’s Deal”
4 pgs: pgs 41-44. s/a/r[Heavy Metal #141 (1992)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Den: La quête Tome 2
Jan. 2000. 54 pgs. Translator: Daniel Gouyette. [id]
“Mal vs. Hydra”
Cover Art [DenSaga #4 (1994)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Rock Climbing”
Back Cover Art [DenSaga #2 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Moderately small size.
“Des anges déchus”
Original story: DenSaga, Part 3: “Falling Angels”
16 pgs: pgs 5-20. s/a/r[DenSaga #3 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Holocaust à Heaven”
Original story: DenSaga, Part 4: “Heavenly Holocaust”
20 pgs: pgs 21-40. s/a/r[DenSaga #4 (1994)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Mola la taupe”
Original story: DenSaga Epilogue #3: “Mola the Mole”
4 pgs: pgs 41-44. s/a/r[Heavy Metal #145 (1993)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“La lumière au fond du tunnel”
Original story: DenSaga Epilogue #4: “The Light at the end of the Tunnel”
8 pgs: pgs 45-52. s/a/r[Heavy Metal #149 (1994)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 30, 2002. Last updated: September 6, 2020 at 10:48 am