Translated Corben in Germany
(in German)
U-Comix #1-#17 
1969-1979. UPN-Volksverlag. [puprise,cgde]
U-Comix #12 
Winter 1976. 44 pgs. DM 5,00. 29,7×21,1 cm. [puprise,cgde]
“Harveys Horror-Haus”
Original story: “Horrible Harvey’s House”
4 pgs. s/a/r[Skull Comics #3 (1971)]-Richard Corben.
Only pgs 3-6!
U-Comix #15 
Winter 1978. DM 3.00. 44 pgs. DM 6,00. 29,3×20,8 cm. [puprise,cgde]
“Cidopey [GER]”
Original story: “Cidopey”
s/a/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. Color.
U-Comix Sonderband #1-#36 
1973-1982. UPN-Volksverlag. [cgde]
U-Comix Sonderband [GER] #3: Richard Corben 
1st: 1974. Reprint: 1980. 108 pgs. 20,9×29,5 cm. [håkan,puprise]
Prob. similar print with Dutch version.
“The Beast of Wolfton”
Front Cover Art a/c/r[Grim Wit #1 (1972)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Horrilor Intro #2 [GER]”
Original story: Horrilor Intro #2: “Horrior, Eager and Waitin”
1 pg. s/a/r[Grim Wit #2 (1973)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Alice in Wonderlust [GER]”
Original story: “Alice in Wonderlust”
s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Anomaly #4 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Harveys Horror-Haus”
Original story: “Horrible Harvey’s House”
s/a/r[Skull Comics #3 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Wenn Träume kollidieren”
Original story: “When Dreams Collide”
8 pgs. s/a/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Die Bestie von Wolfton”
Original story: “The Beast of Wolfton”
s/a/r[Grim Wit #1 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Necromancer [GER]”
Original story: “Necromancer”
8 pgs. s/a/r[Grim Wit #1 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Meltons Großes Spiel “
Original story: “Melton’s Big Game“
s-Richard Corben & Ed Faust. a/r[Slow Death #5(1973)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Die Ratten in den Wänden”
Original story: “The Rats in the Walls”
s-H.P. Lovecraft (© 1945 Donald Wandrei), adapt/a/r[Skull Comix #5 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Begegnung im Krieg”
Original story: “Encounter at War”
13 pgs. s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Anomaly #4 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Treffe die Gesichter die Du triffst”
Original story: “To Meet the Faces You Meet”
s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Fever Dreams (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
U-Comix Sonderband [GER] #7: Anthologie: Zukunft 
1st: 1974. Reprint: 198?. 100 pgs. 20,9×29,5 cm. [puprise]
“Slow Death #5”
Front Cover Art a/c/r[Slow Death #5 (1983)]-Richard Corben, Randy Holmes. Color.
“A Dumb Story [GER]”
Original story: “A Dumb Story”
1 pg. s/a/r[Grim Wit #2 (1973)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Twilight of the Dogs [GER]”
Original story: “Twilight of the Dogs”
s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Anomaly #4 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“How Howie Made It in the Real World [GER]”
Original story: “How Howie Made It in the Real World”
s/a/r[Skull Comics #3 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Mangle, Robot Mangler [GER]”
Original story: “Mangle, Robot Mangler”
8 pgs. s/a/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
U-Comix Sonderband [GER] #10: Jack Jaxson 
100 pgs. 20,9×29,5 cm. []
U-Comix Sonderband [GER] #17: Antholgie: Bizarre Sex aka Beste aus “Bizarre Sex” 
1978. 92 pgs (incl. covers). 20,9×29,5 cm. [sebastian]
It says there should be art after pg 92! For example the last one, Richard Corben on pg 97. Prob. the book was planned to be thicker than it finally appeared to be.
“The Worm-God “
Front Cover Art [Bizarre Sex #5 (1976)]-Richard Corben. Color.
U-Comix Extra #1-#11 
1977-1981. Volksverlag. [cgde]
U-Comix Extra #3: Rowlf 
1978. DM 4,00. 36 pgs. 29,7×21,1 cm. [puprise]
Prob. similar print with Danish, Karat-serien #3: Rowlf [DK] (1977).
“Rowlf [GER]”
Front Cover Art- Richard Corben. c-(unknown). Color.
“Demon King Fights ”
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Rowlf [GER]”
Original story: “Rowlf”
“Rowlf [GER]”, Part 1(3)
s/a/r[Voice of Comicdom #16 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Rowlf [GER]”, Part 2(3)
s/a/r[Voice of Comicdom #17 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Rowlf [GER]”, Part 3(3)
s/a/r[Voice of Comicdom #17 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Copyright © 2012 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: June 24, 2012. Last updated: February 2, 2019 at 22:47 pm