Translated Corben in Italy
In Italian. [Italian ABC]
Italy: | Batman | Best of | Big | Blood | Bruce | Cannibale | Casa | Congo | Creepy |Dark | Eureka | Funnies | Gong | Heavy Metal [ITA] | Il corvo | Il piacere | Image [I] | Image [II] | Linus | Mondo | Nuova | Punisher | Solo | Stan Lee | Totem |
Batman [ITA]: Bianco E Nero #2
1996. Play Press. [marchesini]
“Monster Maker [ITA]”
Original story: “Monster Maker”
s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Batman: Black and White #2 (1996)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
The Best of Ray Bradbury [ITA]
2004. Free Comics. [marchesini]
“A Sound of Thunder [ITA]”
Original story: “A Sound of Thunder”
s/a/r[Ray Bradbury Comics #1 (1993)]-Richard Corben.
Big Comics #1
1973. Milano Stampa. [plogg,marchesini]
“La belva di Wolfton”
Original story: “The Beast of Wolfton”
s/a/r[Grim Wit #1 (1972)]-Richard Corben.
Others: Larry Weltz, Green Grass.
Bloodstar [ITA] Nel regno di aesir
Nov. 1981. Milano Libri Edizioni. 108 pgs. [nix,againstwhat]
Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“Bloodstar [ITA]: Nel regno di aesir”
Transl. “Bloodstar in the kingdom of Aesir”
Original story: “Bloodstar”
s-Robert A. Howard, adapt-Richard Corben, John Jakes & John Pocsik, a/r[B&W Bloodstar [Album] (1979)]-Richard Corben, c-Herb & Diana Arnold. Color.
Bruce Jones Presenta Zombies [ITA]!
1993. Glenat. [marchesini]
“Terminated [ITA]”
Original story: “Terminated”
s-Bruce Jones, a/r[Twisted Tales #5 (1983)]-Richard Corben, c-Joe Chiodo. Color.
Primo Carnera. [amic,marchesini]
Cannibale #13
Original story: “Flys”
s-Ed Faust. a/c/r[Hot Stuf’ #1 (1974)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
La Casa sull’abisso
2004. Magic Press. [marchesini]
“The House on the Borderland” (?)
Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
“La Casa sull’abisso”
Original story: “The House on the Borderland”
s-William Hope Hodgson. adapt-Richard Corben & Simon Revelstroke. a/r[The House on the Borderland]-Richard Corben. c-Lee Loughridge. Color.
Congo Bill [ITA]
2001. Magic Press. [marchesini]
“Congo Bill: The Message”
Front Cover Art r[Congo Bill #1 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Congo Bill: The River”
1 pict: a/r[Congo Bill #2 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Congo Bill: The Darkness”
1 pict: a/r[Congo Bill #3 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Congo Bill: The Beast”
1 pict: a/r[Congo Bill #4 (2000)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Creepy [ITA] #6
1985. Edizioni Elfo. [marchesini]
“A Tangible Hatred [ITA]”
Original story: “A Tangible Hatred”
s-Donald F. McGregor, a/r[Creepy #41 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.

Creepy Presents Richard Corben [ITA]
2013. Comma 22. [web]Reprints the American original Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) as it is.
“Creepy Presents Richard Corben” [PICT]
Front Cover Art. a-Richard Corben (© 2011). Color.
Dark Horse Presenta
Dark Horse. €8.50. 80 pgs. [agostini]
Dark Horse Presenta #1
July (?) 2011.
“Mondo fango”, Part 1(3)
Original story: “Murky World”
8 pgs. s/a/r[Murky World #1 (2012)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Editoriale Corno (Milano). [marchesini,amic]
Eureka #156
1976. [marchesini]
“To Meet the Faces You Meet [ITA]”
Original story: “To Meet the Faces You Meet”
s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Fever Dreams (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Al Fumetto Club. [amic,marchesini]
Funnies #4
1979. [marchesini]
2 picts.
“Razar the Unhero [ITA]”
Original story: “Razar the Unhero”
s-Starr Armitage. a/r[Fantagor #1 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Funnies #9
“Il ritratto ovale”
Original story: “The Oval Portrait!”
s-Edgar Allan Poe. adapt-Margopoulos, a/r[Creepy #69 (1977)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
[amic]Gong #8-9/78
“Mangle, Robot Mangler [ITA]”
Original story: “Mangle, Robot Mangler”
s/a/r[Slow Death #4 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.

Heavy Metal [ITA]
Spread Comics. 132 pgs [incl.cvrs]. Color. A4. [id].
Heavy Metal [ITA] #1
Nov. 2022. [id]
Pgs 100-109: Article, Heavy Metal, La nostra storia (parte prima): 1977-1981. La scoperta di un nuovo mondo (Our story, Part 1: 1977-1981. The discovery of a new world) by Alessandro Bottero. Richard Corben mentioned several times.
Pg 101: An excerpt from Den [I] (Heavy Metal #1 (1977)).
Heavy Metal [ITA] #2
Dec. 2022. [id]
Pgs 100-109: Article, Heavy Metal, La nostra storia (seconda parte): 1982-1985. Quattro anni di massimo splendore (Our story, Part #2: 1982-1985. Four years of maximum splendor) by Alessandro Bottero. Richard Corben mentioned several times.
Heavy Metal [ITA] #3
Jan. 2023. [id]
Pgs 98-107: Article, Heavy Metal, La nostra storia (terza parte): 1986-2000. Da un millennio all’atro (Our story, Part #3: 1986-2000. From one millennium to the next) by Alessandro Bottero. Richard Corben mentioned several times.
Heavy Metal [ITA] #7
May 2023. [id]
Pgs 58-69: Article, Richard Corben, una vita su Heavy Metal [transl. Richard Corben, a life time Heavy Metal] by Alessandro Bottero. A lot of color picts.
A deep dive into the career of Ricard Corben in Heavy Metal, and outside.
Il corvo presenta
Magic Press. [marchesini]
Il corvo presenta #43
1999. [marchesini]
“Apposites Attract [ITA]”
Original story: “Apposites Attract”
s-Simon Revelstroke. c-Grant Gelash. a/r[Heart Throbs #3 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Il corvo presenta #44
1999. [marchesini]
“Wolf Girl Eats [ITA]”
Original story: “Wolf Girl Eats”
s-Bruce Jones. c-Grant Goleash. a/r[Flinch #1 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Il piacere della paura
[amic]“Cidopey [ITA]”
Original story: “Cidopey”
s/a/c/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Gli insetticidi”
Original story: “The Pest!”
s-Steve Skeates. a/r[Eerie #33 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Image [I]

Al Fumetto. 23,5x33cm. 44 pgs. B&W. [amic]
Image [I] #1
Original story: “Shadow”
s-Edgar Allan Poe. adapt-Rich Margopoulos. a/r[Creepy #70 (1975)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Image [I] #2
“How Howie Made It in the Real World [ITA]”
Original story: “How Howie Made It in the Real World”
s/a/r[Slow Death #2 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Image [I] #4
May 1983. 60 pgs.
“I ratti nel muro”
Original story: “The Rats in the Walls”
s/a/r[Skull Comix #5 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Image [II]
Glittering Images. 23,5x33cm. B&W. [amic]
Image [II] #3
Feb. 1984. 48 pgs.
“Una storia gotica”
Original story: “A Gothic Tale [Part 2]”
s-Tom Veitch, a/r[Skull Comix #6 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Milano Libri. [amic,marchesini]
Linus #7/76
“L’orroroso R.C.”, by Oreste Del Buono
“Quando i sogni si scontrano”
Original story: “When Dreams Collide”
s/a/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Linus #9/76
“Una storia di draghi”
Original story: “Damsel in Dragon Dress”
s-Doug Moench. a/c/r[Grim Wit #2 1973)]-Richard Corben. Color.
1st: Mondo mutante: I grandi protagonisti del fumetto mondiale
2nd: Lo straordinario mondo di R. Corben
1st: 1984, Milano. 96 pgs. 4.000 lires. [againstwhat]
Two same prints under two different titles and front covers!
“Mutant World”
1st: Front Cover Art [FiF, pg 184, CI-card #P5, Mutant World (1983)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“A Girl in Distress”
2nd: Front Cover Art r[art1, pg 22, CI-card #38, Epic #2 (1980)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Here only a left side of the painting called, “The Sword”. Hero and sword cut off.
“Mondo mutante [VERS.2]”
Original story: “Mutant World”
Mondo mutante, Part 1(4)
s/a/c/r[1984 #1 to #8]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mondo mutante, Part 2(4)
s/a/c/r[1984 #1 to #8]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mondo mutante, Part 3(4)
s/a/c/r[1984 #1 to #8]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mondo mutante, Part 4(4)
s/a/c/r[1984 #1 to #8]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Era grande, grande, grande…”
Original story: “You’re a Big Girl Now”
s/a/r[Eerie #81 (1977)]-Richard Corben. B&W(!).
“Missione di soccorso”
Original story: “Encounter at War”
s-Jan Strnad. a[Anomaly #4 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
La nuova mongolfiera #34: Vic & Blood [ITA]
Sept. 1991. Editori del Grifo. 72 pgs. 15.000 lires. [nix,whatif,againstwhat]
“Vic & Blood [TB] [VERS.2]”
Cover Art r[Vic and Blood [TP] (1989)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Cover pict differs from original Album cover: There is no rain, spider web, nor haunting ghost in upper left corner. Recolored.
Lower right corner added an excerpt from the story; “A Boy and his Dog [Part 1/2]”, upper middle frame of pg 13.
Vic & Blood [FRA], Part 1(4): “Eggsucker”
s-Harlan Ellison. a/r[Vic and Blood #1 (1987)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Vic & Blood [FRA], Part 2(4): “A Boy and his Dog [Part 1/2]”
s-Harlan Ellison. a/r[Vic and Blood #1 (1987)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Vic & Blood [FRA], Part 3(4): “A Boy and his Dog [Part 2/2]”
s-Harlan Ellison. a/r[Vic and Blood #2 (1988)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Vic & Blood [FRA], Part 4(4): “Run, Spot, Run”
s-Harlan Ellison. a/r[Vic and Blood #2 (1988)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
The Punisher [ITA]: The End
2005. Marvel Italia. [marchesini]
“The Punisher: The End”
Cover Art a/r[The Punisher: The End (2004)]-Richard Corben. c-José Villarrubia. Color.
The Punisher [ITA]: “The End”
Original story: The Punisher: “The End”
s-Garth Ennis, a/r[The Punisher: The End (2004)]-Richard Corben, c-Lee Loughridge. Color.
Ragemoor [ITA]
Jan. 30, 2014. Magic Press Edizioni. 112 pgs. 12 euro. [wiredit]
“Ragemoor [ITA]”
Cover Art a/r[Ragemoor #1 (2012)]-Richard Corben. c-José Villarrubia. Color.
“Ragemoor [ITA]”
Original story: “Ragemoor”
s-Jan Strand, a/r[Ragemoor #1 to #4 (2012)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Solo [ITA]
RW/Lion. [marchesini]
Solo [ITA] #1: Eroi
“Solo #2 [Color]”
1 pict. a/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Solo #2 [B&W]”
1 pict. a/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
A brief biography with B&W photo of Mr. Corben drawing in black and white “Cyclops!” page 2 using a mirror and a hand-made clay model of one of the masked figure.
Lo Spettro: “Una Vita Mancante”
Original story: The Spectre: “A Missing Life”
11 pgs: pgs 41-51. s-John Arcudi. a/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. c-Dave Stewart. Color.
Solo [ITA] #4: Le Storie
“Solo #2 [Color]”
1 pict. a/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Solo #2 [B&W]”
1 pict. a/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“Il Tesoro Di Belzon”
Original story: “Belzon’s Treasure”
s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Original story: “Cyclops!”
s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Ritorno a Casa”
Original story: “Homecoming”
s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“La Piaga”
Original story: “The Plague”
s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Stan Lee Presenta: Sandman
2002.Play Press. [marchesini]
“Sulla strada”
Original story: “On the Street”
s-Michael Uslan, c-Lee Loughridge, a/r[Just Imagine Stan Lee with Walter Simson creating Sandman (2002)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Totem [ITA]
[amic]Totem [ITA] #11
“Ogre [I] [ITA]”
Original story: “Ogre [I]”
8 pgs. s-Jan Strnad, a/r[1984 #4 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Super Totem [ITA]
[migliori]Super Totem [ITA] #1
Aug. 1988.
Original story: “Bowser”
8 pgs. s-Jan Strnad, a/r[Vampirella #54 (1976)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: 2000. Last updated: July 22, 2023 at 13:01 pm