In Spanish.
Grande autores de Vertigo: Richard Corben
Dec. 2015. ECC. 200 pgs. 19,95 €. Color. [ecc]Reprints the original Weird War Tales #1, Gangland #2, Heartthrobs #3, Strange Adventures #3, Just Imagine Stan Lee With Walter Simonson Creating Sandman, Swamp Thing #7, #8 #20, Masks Too hot For TV!, Solo #2, American Splendor #2, House of Mystery #16, Men of War #6, Flinch #1.
“Grande autores de Vertigo: Richard Corben” [PICT].
Front Cover Art -Richard Corben. Color.
A collage of excerpts from stories inside.
“Down to the Bone” [PICT].
Pg 32 [Flinch #2 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Swamp Thing: Missing Links #1” [PICT].
Pg 51 [Swamp Thing #7 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Swamp Thing: Missing Links #2” [PICT].
Pg 74 [Swamp Thing #8 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Little Runaway” [PICT].
Pg 97 [Swamp Thing #20 (2005)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Solo #2” [PICT].
Pg 97 [Solo #2 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Girl and [PICT].
Pg 197 [Flinch #16 (2001)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Psg 198-199. Biografía by David Fernandez.
Pg 200. A pager excerpt from “The Hounds of Titus Roan”. B&W.
“El superviviente”
Original story: “The Survivor”
6 pgs: pgs 6-11. s-Simon Revelstroke, a/r[Weird War Tales #1 (1997)]-Richard Corben, c-Ted McKeever. Color.
“Sonrisa asesina”
Original story: “Killer Smile”
10 pgs: pgs 12-21. s-Simon Revelstroke, a/r[Gangland #2 (1998)]-Richard Corben, c-Grant Goleash. Color.
“Comidas de la chica lobo”
Original story: “Wolf Girl Eats”
10 pgs: pgs 22-31. s-Bruce Jones, c-Grant Goleash, a/r[Flinch #1 (1999)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Los opuestos se atraen”
Original story: “Apposites Attract”
6 pgs: pgs 33-38. s-Simo Revelstroke, a/r[Hearttrobs #3 (1999)]-Richard Corben, c-Grant Gelash. Color.
“La escisión”
Original story: “The Split”
8 pgs: pgs 39-46. s-Joe R. Lansdale, a/r[Strange Adventures #3 (2000)]-Richard Corben, c-Grant Goleash. Color.
“En la calle [SPA]”
Original story: “On the Street”
4 pgs: pgs 47-50. s-Michael Uslan. a/r[Just Imagine Stan Lee with Walter Simson creating Sandman (2002)]-Richard Corben. color&separation-Lee Loughridge. Color.
Swamp Thing [SPA]: “Eslabones perdidos, Parte 1”
Original story: Swamp Thing: “Missing Links”, Part 1
22 pgs: pgs 51-72. s-Will Pfeifer. a/r[Swamp Thing #7 (2004)]-Richard Corben. c-Martin Breccia. Color.
Swamp Thing [SPA]: “Eslabones perdidos, Conclusión”
Original story: Swamp Thing: “Missing Links”, Part 2
22 pgs: pgs 74-95. s-Will Pfeifer. a/r[Swamp Thing #8 (2004)]-Richard Corben. c-Martin Breccia. Color.
Swamp Thing [SPA]: “Pequeño fugitivo”
Original story: Swamp Thing: “Little Runaway”
P22 pgs: pgs 97-118. s-Joshua Dysart. a/r[Swamp Thing #20 (2005)]-Richard Corben. c-Martin Breccia. Color.
“Máscaras: ¡Demasiado fuerte para la tele! – sin censura”
Original story: “Redhawk-Costumed Hero”
8 pgs: pgs 120-128. s-Marc Andreyko, a/r[Masks: Too Hot for TV #1 (2004)]-Richard Corben, c-Darlene Royer & Wendy Fouts-Broome of WSFX. Color.
“El tesoro de Belzon”
Original story: “Belzon’s Treasure”
P12 pgs: pgs 129-140. s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Original story: “Cyclops!”
5 pgs: pgs 141-145. s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Vuelta a casa”
Original story: “Homecoming”
5 pgs: pgs 146-150. s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
“Le peste”
Original story: “The Plague”
12 pgs: pgs 151-162. s/a/c/r[Solo #2 (2004)]-Richard Corben. Color.
El Espectro: “Una vida extraviada”
Original story: The Spectre: “A Missing Life”
11 pgs: pgs 163-173. s-John Arcudi. a/r[Solo #2 (2004)]-Richard Corben. c-Dave Stewart. Color.
“Gafas de Halloween”
Original story: “Halloween Glasses”
5 pgs: pgs 174-178. s-Harvey Pekar. a/r[American Splendor #2 (2006)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
“La jauría de Titus Roan”
Original story: “The Hounds of Titus Roan”
10 pgs: pgs 179-188. s-Bill Willingham. a/r[House of Mystery#16 (2009)]-Richard Corben. c-Lee Loughridge. Color.
“Al final, la prueba definitiva”
Original story: “A least, full Measure”
8 pgs: pgs 189-196. . s-John Arcudi, a/r[Men of War #6 (2002)]-Richard Corben, c-Jose Villarrubia. Color.
Copyright © 2015 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: November 23, 2015. Last updated: January 12, 2020 at 7:51 am