8 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Vampirella #54 (1976) [VERS.1]. Reprinted [B&W] in Vampirella [AUS] #40 (1976) [VERS.1], [COLOR] in Comix International #5 (1977) [VERS.1], [B&W] in Creepy #132 (1981) [VERS.2], [COLOR] in Heavy Metal Special: The Best of Richard Corben from Creepy and Eerie! (1998) [VERS.3], [COLOR] in Creepy Special #1: All Star Spectacular (2007), [COLOR] in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) [VERS.4], and [COLOR] in Vampirella Archieves #8 (2013) [VERS.4].
Story: Jan Strnad. Color(prob. colored by overlays)/Art: Richard Corben (no signature, © around 1976). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Finland [FIN]: as“Musti [VERS.5]” in Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #2 (2014).
France [FRA]: as “Médor [VERS.1]” in Nuits blêmes (1979) and Creepy [FRA] “nouvelle serie” #3.
Italy [ITA]: as “Medoro [VERS.1]” in Super Totem [ITA] #1 (1988).
Serbia [SER]: as “Švrća [VERS.1]” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “Bowser [SPA] [VERS.1]” in Famosos “Monsters” del cine #21 (1977) and Creepy [SPA] #74.
Style: Blue ine Colors, except Prologue: Fully Painted Colors. Genre: Horror. Time Span: Present. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Man-eating pet. Normality. Alternative present day.
Synopsis: Kid has got a strange pet, which suppouse not to eat people. Parents want to give it away, until they find out reason for pet’s behaviour.
Comment: Brilliant color artwork (second page has strange colors) and interesting story, by Jan Strand, to have a pet problem.
Painted Original Art Plate: The strangely colored opening page has been found: that was painted original art plate which was badly color separated those times. The other pages were colored by Corben’s overlay technique. Same thing with “The Woodlik Inheritance”. Thanks for pointing me out, José Villarrubia!
Page order [VERS.5]: Jan Strnad has been approved that the title page ought to be on page two. The story starts with a Prologue page which use to be printed after the title page; that is wrong order. The story with right page order can be find from the Finnish print.
Special: The story was planned to appear for the first time in Creepy #67 (1974), but because the cofusion of the printer it was replaced with “The Raven”, which was planned to appear later in Creepy #69 (1975), in a Special Edgar Allan Poe issue.
Alternatives, [VERS.1]: Prologue and title pages are printed in wrong order. The title page suppoused to be page two.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Similar with [VERS.1], except it was printed in B&W.
Alternatives, [VERS.3]: Poorly scanned from magazine.
Alternatives, [VERS.4]: Restored with piety by José Villarrubia.
Alternatives, [VERS.5]: Title page on page two as it was intended in the first place. See Page order (above).
Extras: The Jan Strnad interview (February, March 2001)

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 24, 1997. Last updated: July 2, 2019 at 18:16 pm