“Demon in the Cockpit”
8 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Creepy #63 (1974). Reprinted [COLOR] in Comix International #1 (1974), [COLOR] in Heavy Metal Special: The Best of Richard Corben from Creepy and Eerie! (1998) [VERS.2], [COLOR] in Creepy Archieves Volume #13 (2012) [VERS.3], and [COLOR] in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) [VERS.3].
Story: Richard Margopoulos. Color/Art: Richard Corben (no signature, © around 1974). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Finland [FIN]: as “Demoni ohjaamossa” in Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #1 (2013).
France [FRA]: as “Le démon dans le cockpit” in Vampirella [FRA] #23 (1976), Razar le lâche (1976), and Sueurs froides (1983).
Germany [GER]: as “Der Dämon im Cockpit” in Der Dämon im Cockpit (1985).
Serbia [SER]: as “Demon in the Cockpit [SER]” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “Invocación computable” [B&W] (!) in Rufus #17 (1974), and Delta #10.
Style: Prob. colored by Corben’s overlays. Genre: Horror. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Uncle Creepy. Government. Mystic Arts. Mountain-Fortress. Underneath. Black Magic. Spells. Demon. Communism.
Synopsis: American covernment is having experiment underneath fortress to spell demonic monsters. Then again, how about Communists?
Comment: This story is a little bit of out of this world. Richard Margopoulos story goes too far. Corben’s art is average; even colors are nothing special (almost opposite).
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Poorly scanned from magazine.
Alternatives, [VERS.3]: Restored with piety by José Villarrubia.

Copyright © 2001 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: 12th Jan. 2001. Last updated: July 6, 2019 at 21:40 pm