“Den 4: Dreams”
28+25(+3extra)+20(+2extra) (series) pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Den [III] #1 to #3 (1988). Reprinted [COLOR] in Den 4: Dreams (1992) Album with five extra pages.
Story: Simon Revelstroke. Color/Art: Richard Corben (printed signed as Richard Corben, © 1988, © 1992). Lettering: printed (Corben).
France [FRA]: as “La maison du silence”, as a 3 part series in USA magazine [II] #44 (1989) to #46 (1990), and as “La cité des bruits”, as one of La saga de Den Tome 1 (1990) and as “La maison du silence”, as half of La saga de Den Tome 2 (1990). (“Den 4” and “Den 5” were printed in three parts)
Germany [GER]: as “Das Haus des Schweigens”, as one in Die phantastische Welt des Richard Corben #3 (1992).
Italy [ITA]: as “Sogni e visioni”, as a 3 part series in L’Eternauta #87, #89 to #90, and as one in Best Comics #8 (1992).
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Het Huis van Stilte”, as one in Den [NL] 3 (1992).
Spain [SPA]: as part of Den III, a 7 part series Zona 84 #57 (1989) to #63 (1989), and as “Sueños”, as one in Den [SPA] 4.
- Part 1(3): “Dormilon Dreams and Alarums”. 28 pgs. Den [III] #1 (1988)
- Part 2(3): “Reveries in Cragor [The City of Sounds]”. 28 pgs. Den [III] #2 (1988)
- Part 3(3): “The House of Silence”. 22 pgs. Den [III] #3 (1988)
Style: Full color. Extra pages for Album version: Full digital color. Genre: SF/Fantasy. Time Span: Ancient fantasy. Nudity: Voluptuous females (extra Album pages: full frontal nudity, both male and female).
Keywords: Stones. Rescue. Fight. Diving. Dreams. Slavery. Fatness. Humiliation. Sorcerer. Hallusination.
Synopsis: Den, Kath and a friend wants to rescue Nar stones back from Scon. Operation is not easy; Scon’s mazy lair is full of secrets. Den gets caught and become a slave (“DenSaga”), though he losts his physics and become extremely fat and kind of alcoholic. Story is full of dreams life lived by (he visits in all of old Den stories). Ghasthelm saves his life. Den is after Kath who suppoused to be alive; Ghasthelm brings him to scorcerer who gives a hallusination to visit Kath, and trim man out of lazy fatness.
Comment: Corben leads himself to fast drawing technique though it works okay. Story by Simon Revelstroke is full of interesting scenerys and places, but it is a little bit incoherent because full of dreams. The first episode works the best; it’s full of action. Later follows dream scenes. Corben changes his drawing style couple of times during story and it is visible though not too bothering in Album version. In Album version Corben also adds five brand new pages; you can find all nudity and beautiful ful color from these pages (just like in “Den 5”). Dream scenes are full of familiar frames and excreted parts of actions from older DenSagas. From this story you can find again Corben’s ant soldiers (“Bug”). Series and Album versions are as equal as possible with exception of Album‘s added five extra pages.
Colors: In the opening issue of the series (Den [III] #1) Mr. Corben states: “This series also marks a change in the way Corben colors his comics. As I stated earlier, the old overlay system was a drag, a burden on my time, ingenuity and patience. Its only real value was the cost savings. Good riddance! The new Den is produced with a full color system that can reproduce any color effect I can do.”
Extras: Den’s Legacy, a full length run through of entire Den’s adventures (beware a major spoilers!)

Copyright © 1999 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 11, 1999. Last updated: July 2, 2019 at 21:40 pm