Ghost Rider: “Hell to Pay”
22+22 (series) pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Ghost Rider #6 to #7 (2006).
Story: Daniel Way. Art: Richard Corben. Color: José Villarrubia. Lettering printed (VC’s Joseph Carmagna).
France [FRA]: as “Ghost Rider [FRA]: Hell to Pay” in Banner/Cage/Ghost Rider/Punisher (2019).
Spain [SPA]: as “Ghost Rider SPA: Hell to Pay” in Ghost Rider [SPA] #2: La leyenda de Sleepy Hollow, Illinois (2007)
Style: Black line with colors. Genre: Super Hero. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: None.
Original Art Plate: Drawn with Sharpie and Pigma pen on Strathmore paper, size 11″x17″.
Keywords: Ghost Rider. Devil. Priest. Police. Lawyer. Jail. Wealthiness. Religion.
Character (Ghost Rider): Motorcycle stuntman Johnny Blaze has a good heart but he ends up to the hell. In a bargain he escapes the hell and breaks the Devil’s body into 666 pieces. Each piece posesses a deceased corps and starts to work for the Prince of Darkness. A newborn Johnny Blaze searches out for those pieces to kill them as Ghost Rider for good. “Hell to Pay” is the story how Johnny Blaze get killed.
Synopsis: Ghost Rider fights with the Devil. His plain himself is arrested by police over and over, but he’s got a wealthy friend with a lawyer to save from the joint. Strong religious undertone.
Comment: Interestingly starting story by Daniel Way but soon loosing all atractiveness. Fighting scenes are the only interesting part of the story. Unfortunately even they’ve got not much to push story forewards. The latter part is almost good for nothing.

Copyright © 2006 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 19, 2006. Last updated: February 16, 2020 at 17:08 pm