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Tarzan: Chance Meeting!

Tarzan: “Chance Meeting!” aka “Tarzan Meets La!”

Tarzan: Chance Meeting!

2 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Burroughs Bulletin #34 (1974) [VERS.1]. Reprinted [COLOR] in Graphic Gallery #6 (1975) [VERS.2] and [B&W] in Flights into Fantasy (1981) [VERS.2] on pgs 58-59.
Story/Color/Art: Richard Corben (no signature). Lettering: lettered by Robert R. Barrett [source: Barrett].

Germany [GER]: as “Rendevous bei Mondwechsel” in Flüge in die Fantasie (1981).
Spain [SPA]: as Tarzan: “Chance Meeting [SPA]!” in Fan de fantasia #3 and Vuelo a la fantasia (1981), and as “Encuentro fortuito” in Richard Corben obras completas #12 (1992).

Style:Fully Painted Colors. Genre: Fantasy / Humour. Time Span: Ancient past. Nudity: Voluptuous girl.
Keywords: Lost. Temple. Holy place. Queen. Fight.
Synopsis: Tarzan finds his way by accident on a holy ground. The Queen La pronounce his death penalty, but the female mind is mystery.
Comment: Another good example of Mr. Corben’s style of using well known characters and turning usual situations upsidedown. Very Corbenish work with tong in a cheeck. Ideal lenth, not a one usless frame.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: On pg 2 farest upper right corner the knife of Tarzan (and a trail of blood) goes out of panel. In this version everything out of panel (in a margin) is cut off.

Tarzan: Chance Meeting!, 2 pgs

Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: July 20, 2002. Last updated: July 11, 2019 at 20:08 pm
