Congo Bill

DC Vertigo. 6-5/8"x10-1/5". $2.95. 32[+4] pages. Cover: glossy color. Guts: matt color on white. [ober]
Printed also in Italy, Congo Bill [ITA].

Congo Bill #1

Oct. 1999.

"Congo Bill: The Message"
Cover Art -Richard Corben. Color.

Congo Bill #2

Nov. 1999.

"Congo Bill: The River"
Cover Art -Richard Corben. Color.

Congo Bill #3

Dec. 1999. [id]

"Congo Bill: The Darkness"
Cover Art -Richard Corben. Color.

Congo Bill #4

Jan. 2000.

"Congo Bill: The Beast"
Cover Art -Richard Corben. Color.

Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: Aug. 30, 2000. Modified: January 12, 2020.