The Kenny Everett Video Show
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Season 2, Episode 3: Levinsky/Sinclair / Kate Bush /
Thin Lizzy
Thames. Original Air Date—5 March 1979
Authors: Barry Cryer, Ray Cameron, Kenny Everett
Cast: Kenny Everett, Arlene Phillips, Hot Gossip
Also starring (not credited): Cliff Richard
Choreography: Arlene Phillips
Captain Kremmen film: Cosgrove Hall Productions
Producer & Director: David Mallet
[ Thames Seasons 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | Extra ]
[ Thames Season 02 Episodes #01 | #02 | #03 | #04 | #05 | #06 | #07 | #08 | #09 | #10 | Extra #01 ]
- Before title sequence: Billy the Dancing Bucket: Opening speach
- Your television speaking: Button marked, "Idiot", variation #2 [Appeared also in Best1]
- Ken with TVs and hanging Cliff Richard: 27! Correct!
- Hot Gossip: "Contact" (by Edwin Starr)
- French Marcel Wave: Dressing room next to one of Hot Gossip girl [Appeared also in Best1]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: Cellophane nappy [Appeared also in Best1]
- Captain Kremmen [S02e03p01]: Relaxatron [Appeared partly in Naughty1]
- Ken with two Hot Gossip girls in a set: Lord Thames' personal shower complex (intro for next song)
- Levinsky/Sinclair, "Only Feel this Way"
- Ken with TVs: Ken's mouth water
- Ken without set: Time for a break, Variation "Body parts" [Appeared also in S01e01, S01e02, S01e06, S02e05 and Best2. See also Variation "cup" in S01e03 and S02e04, Variation "Breakie poo with teeth" in S02e06, Variation "Breakie poo without head" in S02e07, Variation "Tumb" in S02e10 and Best1, and Variation "Breakie poo" in S04e04. See also Ken with TVs: Time for a break, Variation "Breakie poo with finger up in a nose" in S02e08 and Variation "Breakie poo with three heads" in S02e09]
- End of Part One
- Tuned to the Kenny Everett Video Show: Amen, Variation "Logo" [See also Variation "Church" in S01e01, S01e03, S02e06, Best1 and Naughty2]
- Ken without set: Billy the Dancing Bucket [Appeared also in Best1 and Naughty1]
- Sid Snot: Ballet [Appeared also in Best1 and Naughty1]
- Bowls, Video vault: Marilyn Monroe in her first commercial [Appeared also in Best1] [THE COMMERCIAL PART MISSING FROM TORRENT VERSION]
- Kate Bush with low male [Ken's?] voice: I used to be Kate Bush [Appeared also in S02e03, Best1 and Best3]
- Kate Bush, "Wow"
- French Marcel Wave: Or was it twice?
- Kate Bush with low male [Ken's?] voice: God heavens! He's so sexy
- Commercial time: Mightyboots with three Hot Gossip girls [Appeared also in Best1 and Naughty2]
- Brother Lee Love: Obscene Hot Gossip [Appeared also in Best1]
- Surfer: Wave back [Appeared also in Best1]
- Ken with TVs: Behind the camera and the clamorous set [Appeared also in Best1]
- MUSIC CLIP: Thin Lizzy, "Waiting for an Alibi" [Appeared also in Best1]
[YouTube clip restricted in some countries]
- Ken with TVs: Ken kept holding not to touch the camera (before and a shortly after ending titles) [Appeared also in Best1]
CREATED: June 27, 2009. MODIFIED:
June 28, 2014