Magnus, Robot Fighter

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Magnus, Robot Fighter [IV]
iBooks. 1 issue (2005). | In color.
Issue Title Writer Artist
"Magnus, Robot Fighter" (45 pg) Louise Simonson Damion Hendricks


iBooks [Home]

| Magnus Robot Fighter [IV] |

Gold Key: | Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. | The Aliens |

Valiant Comics: | Doctor Solar | Magnus, Robot Fighter [II] | Rai [and the Future Force] | Vintage Magnus, Robot Fighter | Secrets of the Valiant Universe | Magnus, Robot Fighter / Nexus | The Original Magnus Robot Fighter | The Captain Johner & The Aliens |

Acclaim Comics: | Magnus Robot Fighter [III] |

Dark Horse: | Predator Versus Magnus Robot Fighter | Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. (reprint) |