"Such Pretty Little Toes"
6 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Den[III] #8 (1989) . Reprinted [B&W] in Shadows on the Grave #3 (2017)
Story: Jan Strnad. Art/Color: Richard Corben (no signature). Lettering: printed (Corben).
France [FRA]: as "De jolis petits petons…" in USA magazine [II] #58 (1991).
Spain [SPA]: as "Unos deditos tan deliciosos" in Creepy [SPA] Segunda Época #1.
Style: Colored with overlays. Genre: Horror. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: Voluptuous girl.
Original Art Plate: The drawings are done in Sharpie and Pigma pens on 11" x 17" Bainbridge paper. [Corben's web site]
Keywords: Wanderers. Lost in woods. Cabin. Hermit. Bigfoot. Toes. Cupboard.
Synopsis: Boy and girl are lost in woods and finds themself into hermit's cabin. Hermit swears he has seen bigfoot, and for proof he's got in his cupboard a cutted-off toe.
Comment: This fill-up story of Jan Strnad suddenly lights up and flames beautifully. Almost on all pages Corben invented interesting frames or camera angles. Did you know that bigfoot could have such a pretty little toes.
Versions, : Digitally greyscaled.
Extras: The Jan Strnad interview (February, March 2001)
Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: April 23, 2000. Modified: July 13, 2019.