The Kenny Everett Video Show
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The Best of the Kenny Everett Video Show, Vol. 3
Thames. Publishing Date—1982. Running Time—2 hours
Authors: Barry Cryer, Ray Cameron, Kenny Everett
Cast: Kenny Everett, Arlene Phillips, Hot Gossip
Choreography: Arlene Phillips
Captain Kremmen film: Cosgrove Hall Productions
Producer & Director: David Mallet
[ Thames Seasons 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | Extra ]
[ The Best of #01 | #02 | #03 ]
Sketches [mostly from the fourth season (1981), but has a small amount from the third (1980)] [YouTube]:
Philip Elsmore, Thames: Unsuitable for public viewing
- Opening: And now on Thames television the test card and Obscene version
- The Kenny Everett all Electronic Show [Appeared also in S04e01]
- Ken with TVs: Tricks for you [Appeared also in S04e01]
- A short insert with Police Officer: If you think that was funny [Appeared also in S04e01]
- Sid Snot: What you've got in your bag? [Appeared also in S03e08, Naughty2 and MustSeeTV]
- Commercial time (against black): Repel-a-thug with three singing Kens as Police Officers (2 takes) [Appeared also in S03e08 and Naughty2]
- Fulcrum: Hot Gossips with their almost non-existing costumes [Appeared also in S03e08 and Naughty2]
- Hot Gossip: "Stuff Like that" (Quincy Jones) [Appeared also in S01e08]
(with better sound), 
- French Marcel Wave: Waxing moustaches [Appeared also in S04e05]
- Sid Snot: Frog was shaving! [Appeared also in S04e05]
- Police Officer: Metropolitan Police Judy Garland appreciate society [Appeared also in S04e05]
- Captain Kremmen [B3p01]: Invisible deodorant [Appeared also in S04e05]
- Orson Welles: From Harry Limes to Lager, Variation 2 [Appeared also in S04e05, see also Variation 1 in S03e08]
- Fulcrum (with Chas and Dave): Your work is pony [Appeared also in S04e05]
- MUSIC CLIP: Chas and Dave, "Mr. Woogie" [Appeared also in S04e05]
- Star Quiz (with Terry Wogan): Screw the game [Appeared also in S04e05 and Naughty2]
- Captain Kremmen [B3p02]: Let see that again in slow motion [Appeared also in S04e05]
- Percy Fatingapart: Life is like Britt Ekland [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Sid Snot: Happy mask of comedy [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: Someone else to sleep [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Captain Kremmen [B3p03]: Free love [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty2]
- Ken interviewing Ken as Björn Borg: A star is Bjorn [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty2]
- French Marcel Wave: Am I the first man you have ever loved? [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty2]
- Cough Man: (Cough) [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty2]
- Commercial time: Hootermatic with a Hot Gossip girl [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty2]
- French Marcel Wave (with a sexy Hot Gossip girl in a bed): This is your life, variation #1 [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty2]
- Ken with TVs: Margaret Thatcher's hair done [Appeared also in S04e06. The very beginning of the clip appeared also in Naughty2, under name, Shoot down a clip with a finger]
- MUSIC CLIP: Dire Straits, "Skateaway" (with a hot girl in bodypaint) [Appeared also in S04e06]
- French Marcel Wave (with five sexy Hot Gossip girls in a bed): This is your life, variation #2 [Appeared also in S04e06]
- Captain Kremmen [B3p04]: Traveling light [Appeared also in S03X01 and Naughty2]
- Sid Snot with David Essex: Arabs and sardins [Appeared also in S03X01]
- Royal Joke with Prince Charles: Queen/Duke/box [Appeared also in S03X01]
- Ken with TV set and remote: Worst picture of all time [Appeared also in S03X01]
- Bowls, Video vault: Man spray ad from Scandinavia (with a real ad) [Appeared also in S03X01]
- French Marcel Wave (in kitchen): Hot Gossip drink [Appeared also in S02e07]
- Hot Gossip: "The Eve of the War" (from "War of the Worlds") [Appeared also in S02e07]
- Ken with TVs: Tip #1: Scales in your bathroom [Appeared also in S02e07]
- Angry of Mayfair: Clean fun [Appeared also in S02e07]
- Cliff Richard: Too old [Appeared also in S02X01 and Naughty1]
- Bernard Manning: Shooting tarket [Appeared also in S04e04 and Naughty1]
- A short clip with five Hot Gossip girls: And now on a Kenny Everett Video Casette, Variation "slow" [Appeared also in S04e04, S04e06 and later in this Best3; see also Variation "fast" in S04e03, Naughty1, Naughty2 and later in this Best3]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: Papers all over the house [Appeared also in S04e04]
- Cliff Richard: Mum! [Appeared also in S02X01 and Naughty1]
- MUSIC CLIP: The Boomtown Rats, "Someone's Looking at You" [Appeared also in S02X01 and S03e02]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: Found from the bottom of bird cages [Appeared also in S02X01 and Best2]
- Percy Fatingapart: Slimming is casting the first stone [Appeared also in S04e04]
- An Interview inside men's room (with Billy Connolly): Men's room attendant (10 takes) [Appeared also in S04e04]
- French Marcel Wave: My favourite joke (in French) [Appeared also in S04e04]
- Ken with TVs: Apology for a bad cliffhanger joke [Appeared also in S02X01 and Naughty1]
- MUSIC CLIP: Cliff Richard, "Devil Woman" [Appeared also in S02X01]
- Sid Snot with David Essex: Sardines [Appeared also in S04e01 and Naughty2]
- A short insert with Hot Gossip girl with extra hands: If you like chuckle just like me [Appeared also in S04e01, S04e02 and Naughty2]
- Golf playing during gentle music [Appeared also in S04e01 and Naughty2]
- French Marcel Wave: Second fiddle [Appeared also in S04e04 and Naughty2]
- Mega Star Time: Barry Manilow meets Barbara Streisand [Appeared also in S04e04 and Naughty2]
- Police Officer: Yellow band around [Appeared also in S04e04]
- Orson Welles: Horse on Welles [Appeared also in S04e04]
- Star Quiz: Billy Connolly with a secret word, "Ball Bearings" [Appeared also in S04e04]
- 30 Second Theatre: The inspector called [Appeared also in S03e08 and Naughty2]
- Percy Fatingapart: What hell means to you? [Appeared also in S03e08]
- MUSIC CLIP: Pete Townsend, "Rough Boys" [Appeared also in S03e08]
- Percy Fatingapart: Life can't be all fun [Appeared also in S03e08 and Naughty2]
- Sid Snot: Trouble with bike [Appeared also in S03e08 and Naughty2]
- A short clip with Billy Connolly from the end of Star Quiz
- Captain Kremmen [B3p05]: IQ Test [Appeared also in S04e01 and Naughty2]
- A short insert with five Hot Gossip girls: That sketch was not too bad, variation "line" [See the same Variation "line" in both S04e01 and Naughty2; see also Variation "rope" in both S04e02 and Best3; Variation "school" in S01e02, S01e03 and Best2 / BBC variation "white"in bS01X01 and bBestPT; variation "blue" in both bS01e02 and bS01e06]
- Are you tired to look at good looking star? [Appeared also in S04e01]
- MUSIC CLIP: B.A. Robertson, "Saint Saens" [Appeared also in S04e01]
- Orson Welles: Raise the Titanic [Appeared also in S04e01]
- Winner Dick Thrust: Balls with five Hot Gossip girls [Appeared also in S04e01]
- French Marcel Wave: I thought she was English [Appeared also in S04e01]
- Bowls, Video vault: Take machines ad from France (with a real ad) with voice of Marcel Wave [Appeared also in S04e01]
- Hot Gossip (with Bob Geldof): "The Hardest Part" (by Blondie) [Appeared also in S03e03 and Naughty2]
- A short clip with five Hot Gossip girls: And now on a Kenny Everett Video Casette, Variation "slow" [Appeared also in S04e04, S04e06 and earlier in this Best3; see also Variation "fast" in S04e03, Naughty1, Naughty2 and later in this Best3]
- Half blind Japanese barber: I love Benny Hill! [Appeared also in S04e06]
- Police Officer: Froggie friend of mine [Appeared also in S04e06 and MustSeeTV]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: Two bottles of milk on a doorstep [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Star Quiz: Michael Aspel with a secret word, "Anathema" [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Two short clips with Lionel Blair: I think the show's rigged [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- A short clips with Lionel Blair: I knew he'd loose [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Angry of Mayfair: Enjoying is not everything [Appeared also in S04e06 and Naughty1]
- Silly Cowboy: Postman [Appeared also in S03e02 and Naughty1]
- Ken and Cliff Richard: A difference between a pop star and a disc jockey [Appeared also in S03e02 and Naughty1]
- MUSIC CLIP: Cliff Richard, "Living Doll" [Appeared also in S03e02 and Naughty1]
- Commercial time: Fragropan with three times Ken as a caretaker [Appeared also in S03e04 and Naughty2]
- Scottish Studios: Taste the tartan [Appeared also in S03e04 and Naughty2]
- Angry of Mayfair: I've grown a custom for your face
- Ken outside the set: Margaret Lockwood impersonation in Thames prop department (beginning of part two) [Appeared also in S03e01]
- MUSIC CLIP: Shadows, "Riders in the Sky" [Appeared also in S03e01]
- French Marcel Wave: There is a camel in the studio!? (Part 1) [Appeared also in S03e01]
- Percy Fatingapart: Hot Gossip meets the eye
- Hot Gossip: "Baby Talks Dirty" (by The Knack) [Appeared also in S03e05]
- Ken with TVs: Radar gun [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- Police Officer: Radar gun [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- A short clip with five Hot Gossip girls: And now on a Kenny Everett Video Casette, Variation "fast" [See the same Variation "fast" in S04e03, Naughty1 and Naughty2; see also Variation "slow" in S04e04, S04e06 and two times earlier in this Best3, Best3]
- French Marcel Wave: A guitar reminds a female form [Appeared also in S04e03, and Naughty1]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: A playpen [Appeared also in S04e03]
- Ken with TVs: Hot chocolate [Appeared also in S04e03]
- MUSIC CLIP: Hot Chocolate, "Loosing You" [Appeared also in S04e03]
- Ken with TVs: Why isn't your nose 12 inches long? [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty2]
- Captain Kremmen [B3p06]: Only three minutes to live [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty2]
- US Army General: Closet commies [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- Angry of Mayfair: Uhm! I liked that [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- Camping exhibition, Variation #1 [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- French Marcel Wave (in court room): Adultry [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- Sid Snot: Martini [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty1]
- Construction workers: Five letter to egg on [Appeared also in S04e03]
- Good news at ten: Mrs. Tatcher didn't do anything today [Appeared also in S04e03]
- Ken as a baby in a buggy: Woman who lived in a shoe [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty2]
- Ken in a shower: Hot Gossip watching container [Appeared also in S04e03 and Naughty2]
- Hot Gossip: "Another brick in the wall" (by Pink Floyd) [Appeared also in S03e02]
(better quality),
- Angry of Mayfair: You're a pervert! [Appeared also in S04e03]
- Percy Fatingapart: Life like the Nylon Sisters [Appeared also in S04e02]
- Ken with TVs: Miss Bush [Appeared also in S04e02]
- PARODY MUSIC CLIP: Bush [Appeared also in S04e02]
- Kate Bush with low male [Ken's?] voice: I used to be Kate Bush [Appeared also in S02e03 and Best2]
- A short insert with one Hot Gossip girls: That sketch was not too bad, variation "rope" [The same Variation "rope" in S04e02; see also Variation "line" in S04e01, Naughty2 and Best3; Variation "school" in S01e02, S01e03 and Best2 / BBC variation "white"in bS01X01 and bBestPT; variation "blue" in both bS01e02 and bS01e06]
- Captain Kremmen [B3p07]: Space exam [Appeared also in S04e02]
- Gladys and Elsie tea break (with Billy Connolly): Facial hair [Appeared also in S04e02; see also BBC variations in bS01X01 and bS02e08/BestPT]
- Ken with TVs: Intro for David Bowie [Appeared also in S02X01]
- MUSIC CLIP: David Bowie, "Space Oddity" [Appeared also in S02X01]
- Ken with TVs (during tearing down the set): Thank you for Lord Thames [Appeared also in S03e08 and Naughty2]
- French Marcel Wave makes a naughty French strip: It was me all the time! [Appeared also in S02e10, S03e08, Naughty2 and Best1]
CREATED: March 13, 2009. MODIFIED:
August 9, 2013