Translated Corben in Denmark
(in Danish)
Den [DK] [I]: En fantastik rejse til landet Aldrighvor 
1) 1978. Winther. Softcovers. Also, Hard Bound, signed & numbered limited edition of 300 prints. [håkan,ober]
2) 1979. Hard Bound. Signed & numbered limited edition of 100 prints. [håkan]
"Neverwhere [European]"
Front Cover Art [Den [I] [Catalan] (1984)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Neverwhere [DK]"
Original story: "Den [I]"
s/a/r[Grim Wit #2 (1973), Heavy Metal #1 (1977) to #13 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Edgar Allan Poe [DK] 
1976. Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [ober,lars]
"Det ovale portræt"
Original story: "The Oval Portrait!"
s-Edgar Allan Poe, adapt-Richard Margopoulos, a/r[Creepy #69 (1977)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Giga #7: Hulk #1 [DK] 
2005. Egmont. 96 pgs. 49.50 DKR. 17x26 cm. [faraos]
"Hulk and Banner [DK]"
Front Cover Art -Richard Corben. Color.
"Hulk #1 [DK]"
Original story: "Banner"
"Hulk #1 [DK]", Part 1(4)
s-Brian Azzarello. a/r[Startling Stories: Banner #1 (2001)]-Richard Corben. c-Studio F. Color.
"Hulk #1 [DK]", Part 2(4)
s-Brian Azzarello. a/r[Startling Stories: Banner #2 (2001)]-Richard Corben. c-Studio F. Color.
" Hulk #1 [DK]", Part 3(4)
s-Brian Azzarello. a/r[Startling Stories: Banner #3 (2001)]-Richard Corben. c-Studio F. Color.
"Hulk #1 [DK]", Part 4(4)
s-Brian Azzarello. a/r[Startling Stories: Banner #4 (2001)]-Richard Corben. c-Studio F. Color.
Gru #1 to #30 
Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [håkan]
Gru #6 
1972. Interpresse. [ober,lars]
Original story: "Bookworm"
s-Gerald Conway, a/r[Eerie #32 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Cousin Eerie has been replaced with Uncle Creepy.
Gru #7 
1972. Interpresse. [ober,lars]
"Metifa [DK]!"
Original story: Vampi's Feary Tales #13: "Metifa!"
1 pg. s-Bill DuBay. a/r[Vampirella #15 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Gru #16 
1973. Interpresse. [ober,lars]
"Friedhelm den storslåede"
Original story: "Friedhelm the Magnificent"
s-Greg Potter, a/r[Creepy #46 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Gru #17 
1973. Interpresse. [ober,lars]
"Frossen skønhed"
Original story: "Frozen Beauty"
s/a/r[Creepy #36 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Gru #22 
1974. Interpresse. [ober,lars]
"Skinnende øjne"
Original story: "Bright Eyes!"
s-Doug Moench. a/r[Eerie #43 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Gru #24 
1974. Interpresse. [ober,lars]
"Mickey gled click flip"
Original story: "The Slipped Mickey Click-Flip"
s-Doug Moench. a/r[Eerie #54 (1973)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Gru Album #1 
1977. Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [håkan,ober]
"Treed by Triceratops"
Cover Art [Eerie #77 (1976), art1, pg 16-17]-Richard Corben. Color.
"På dybt vand"
Original story: "In Deep [Part 1]"
10 pgs. s-Bruce Jones. a/r[Creepy #83 (1976)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Den skrækkelige tidsrejse"
Den skrækkelige tidsrejse, Part 1(3): "Med sjæl og krop"
Original story: "Within You... Without You"
s-Bruce Jones. a/r[Eerie #77 (1976)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Den skrækkelige tidsrejse, Part 2(3): "Frem og tilbage er ikke altid lige langt"
Original story: "Time and Time Again"
s-Bruce Jones. a/r[Eerie #79 (1976)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Den skrækkelige tidsrejse, Part 3(3): "Historiens sidste, absolut sidste, afsnit"
Original story: "Years & Mind Forever"
s-Bruce Jones. a/r[Eerie #87 (1977)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Uncensored version.
Gru Album #2 
1977. Interpresse. [håkan,ober]
"Den troende"
Original story: "The Believer"
s-Budd Lewis. a/r[Creepy #77 (1976)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Det ovale portræt"
Original story: "The Oval Portrait"
s-Edgar Allan Poe, adapt-Rich Margopoulos, a/r[Creepy #69 (1977)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Hellboy [DK]: Troldheksen og andre historier 
2011. G. Floy Studio. [lars]
That is Hellboy Vol. 7: The Troll Witch and Others (2007).
"Hellboy [DK]: Makoma", Part 1(2)
Original story: "Hellboy: Makoma, or, A Tale Told by a Mummy in the New York City Explorers’ Club on August 16, 1993"
s-Mike Mignola. a/r[Hellboy #25: Makoma #1 (2006)]-Mike Mignola & Richard Corben. c-Dave Stewart. Color.
"Hellboy [DK]: Makoma", Part 2(2)
s-Mike Mignola. a/r[Hellboy #26: Makoma #2 (2006)]-Mike Mignola & Richard Corben. c-Dave Stewart. Color.
Historier om hekse og varulve 
(Transl. Stories of Witches and Werewolfs.) 1985. Runepress. [håkan,ober,lars]
"Wolf Moon"
Front Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
"Wizard Wagstaff"
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
An excerpt from the story "Wizard Wagstaff", the second frame on the second page.
"Roda og ulven"
Original story: "Roda and the Wolf"
s/a/r[ Heavy Metal #83 (1984)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Den kølige skønhed"
Original story: "Frozen Beauty"
s/a/r[Creepy #36 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
"Som havde de deres eget liv"
Original story: "As Though They Were Living!"
s-Gerry Boudreau, a/c/r[Vampirella #30 (1974)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Original story: "Fur Trade"
s-John Pocsik. a/r[Werewolf (1984)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Uhyrets sjæl"
Original story: "Spirit of the Beast"
s/a/r[ Heavy Metal #38 (1980)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Troldmanden Trofast"
Original story: "Wizard Wagstaff"
s-Jack Butterworth. a/r[Eerie #56 (1974)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
1981. Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [håkan,ober,lars]
Original story: "The Woodlik Inheritance!"
s/a/r[Vampirella #31 (1974)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [id]
Karat-serien #3: Rowlf [DK] 
1977. DKKR 12,85. 48[+4] pages. Cover: matt color. Guts: B&W. Translator: Ole Rasmussen.
Prob. similar print in German as, U-Comix #?: Rowlf.
"Rowlf [Danish]"
Cover Art-Richard Corben. c-(unknown). Color.
"(Historien om) Rowlf [DK]"
Original story: "(The Story of) Rowlf", Part 1/3
11 pgs: pgs 3-13. s/a/r[Voice of Comicdom #16 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
"(Anden del af historien om) Rowlf [DK]"
Original story: "(The Story of) Rowlf", Parts 2/3 and 3/3
22 pgs: pgs 14-35. s/a/r[Voice of Comicdom #17 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
There is no division between Parts 2 and 3.
"På gale veje"
Original story: "The Twilight of the Dogs"
10 pgs: pgs 37-46. s/a/r[Fantagor #1 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Kvinden, der tænkte ting - 6 fantastiske fortællinger 
1983. Runepress. 48 pgs. Translator: Tore Bahnson. [håkan,ober,msu,lars]
The name of the Album is translated something like *A Woman Scorned - six fantastic stories", although the Album contains seven stories all together.
"The Corbou Girl"
Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
On a title page the first frame of "Lizard Girl", and the same on a back cover (this time in a cirle).
"...Og de ska arve jorden"
Original story: "Heirs of Earth"
s/a/r[Slow Death #3 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
"Cidopey [DK]"
Original story: "Cidopey"
s/a/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Historien om Oteg"
Original story: "Story of Oteg"
s/a/r[Promethean Enterprises #3 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Original story: "The Temple"
s/a/r[Fantagor #3 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
"Lycanklutz [DK]"
Original story: "Lycanklutz"
s/a/r[Creepy #56 (1973)-Richard Corben. Color.
"Glædelig anti-jul"
Original story: "Anti-Christmas"
s-Gerry Boudreau. a/r[Creepy #68 (1975)-Richard Corben. Color.
"Kvinden, der tænkte ting"
Original story: "A Woman Scorned"
s-Bruce Jones. a/r[Eerie #90 (1978)-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden 
1984. Runepress. 78 pgs. Translator: Tonny Lützer. [håkan,ober,lars]
"Mutant Bear"
Front Cover Art [FiF, pg 184]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Mutanternes verden "
Original story: "Mutant World"
Mutanternes verden, Part 1(8): Mutanternes verden [#1]
s/a/c/r[1984 #1 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 2(8): Mutanternes verden [#2]
s/a/c/r[1984 #2 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 3(8): Mutanternes verden [#3]
s/a/c/r[1984 #3 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 4(8): Mutanternes verden [#4]
s/a/c/r[1984 #4 (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 5(8): Mutanternes verden [#5]
s/a/c/r[1984 #5 (1979)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 6(8): Mutanternes verden [#6]
s/a/c/r[1984 #6 (1979)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 7(8): Mutanternes verden [#7]
s/a/c/r[1984 #7 (1979)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Mutanternes verden, Part 8(8): Mutanternes verden [#8]
s/a/c/r[1984 #8 (1979)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Portræt af et oprør 
Bogfabrikken. [ober,håkan,lars]
Portræt af et oprør #1 
"Hæslige Henrys hus"
Original story: "Horrible Harvey's House"
s/a/r[Skull Comics #3 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Portræt af et oprør #4 
"Howie besøger den virkelige verden"
Original story: "How Howie Made It in the Real World"
s/a/r[Slow Death #2 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Runepress Album 
Runepress. [id,ober,lars]
Runepress Album #1: Uhyret fra Wolfton 
1979. DKKR 24,50. 28[+4] pages. Cover: matt color. Guts: B&W. Translator: Tore Bahnson.
"The Beast of Wolfton"
Front Cover Art r[Grim Wit #1 (1972)]-Richard Corben. c-Peter Madsen&Ingo Milton. Color.
The back cover art is the front art in a circle excerpt.
"Uhyret fra Wolfton"
Original story: "The Beast of Wolfton"
25 pgs: pgs 3-27. s/a/r[Grim Wit #1 (1972)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Forlaget Sejd. [ober,håkan,lars]
Sejd #4 
"Den sorte død "
Original story: "Tales from the Plague"
17 pgs (!). s-Dennis Cunningham. a/r[Weirdom #13 (1969)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Sejd #5 
"Howie besøger den virkelige verden"
Original story: "How Howie Made It in the Real World"
s/a/r[Slow Death #2 (1970)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Sejd #8 
"When Dreams Collide [DK]" (?)
Original story: "When Dreams Collide"
8 pgs. s/a/r[Up from the Deep #1 (1971)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [id,lars]
Stjerne-serien #2: Judas [DK] 
1979. DKKR 19,85. 48[+4] pages. Cover: glossy color. Guts: color & B&W. All Art: Richard Corben. Translator: Tore Bahnson.
Similar print with Nuits blêmes (1979). Some mild changes.
"Planet Busters"
Cover Art a/r[FiF, pg 153, art2, pg 35, 1979 Heavy Metal Calendar (1978)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Planet Busters [Excerpt]"
Back Cover Art-Richard Corben. Color.
A round exceprt from front cover.
"Digging the Master's Grave" (excerpt from "Going Home")
1 pict: pg 1. a-Richard Corben. Color.
Pg 3: Contents page. No pict.
"Top til bund"
Original story: "Top to Bottom"
8 pgs: pgs 4-11. s-Jack Butterworth. a/c/r[Vampirella #33 (1974)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Judas [DK]"
Original story: "Judas"
8 pgs: pgs 12-19. s-Richard Margopoulos. a/c/r[Creepy #62 (1975)]-Richard Corben. Color.
"Uprovokeret angreb på et Hilton Hotel"
Original story: "Unprovoked Attack on a Hilton Hotel"
8 pgs: pgs 20-27. s-Jim Stenstrum. a/r[Creepy #73 (1975)]-Richard Corben. B&W.
"Du er en stor pige nu"
Original story: "You're a Big Girl Now"
11 pgs: pgs 28-38. s-Bruce Jones. a/c/r[Eerie #81 (1977)]-Richard Corben. Color.
First one and half and last 2 pgs are B&W. All English versions are shortened as 10 pages .
"På vej hjem"
Original story: "Going Home"
8 pgs: pgs 39-46. s/a/c/r[Funny World #14 (1972)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Total Metal #1 to #12 
Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [ober,håkan,lars]
Total Metal #5 
"Helten indeni"
Original story: "The Hero Within"
s-Steve Skeates. a/r[Creepy #60 (1974)]-Richard Corben. Color(?).
Total Metal #9 
1986. Critique.
"Englen som var bange for helvede"
Original story: "An Angel Shy of Hell"
s-Jim Stenstrum. a/r[Creepy #64 (1974)]-Richard Corben. B&W(?).
Vampirella [DK] #1 to #5 
Interpresse (see Interpresse web site). [håkan,ober,lars]
Vampirella [DK] #1
"Sidhe dræb dem alle"
Original story: "As Though They Were Living!"
s-Gerry Boudreau, a/c/r[Vampirella #30 (1974)]-Richard Corben. Color.
Copyright © 2001 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: May 1, 2001. ModifiedJune 17, 2018ate -->.