Kansas City Art Institute Alumni 
May 2010. 276 pgs. Incl. Walt Disney, Dennis Hopper, William F. Nolan, Richard Corben, Horace Day, Robert Rauschenberg (63 artists all together).
The Kingdoms of Terror 
July, 1986. By Joe Dever & Gary Chalk. Lone Wolf Gamebook #6. The American edition: Berkley/ Pacer. US$2.95. [demian,ober].
The British original edition: Beaver Books, London, 1985. Interior illustrations by Gary Chalk. [Demian’s Gamebook Web Page].
Cover Art: “The Kingdoms of Terror”
Kitchen Sink Press, the First 25 Years 
Aug. 1994. By Dave Schreiner. Kitchen Sink Press, Northhampton, Mass. [id].
Pg 26: “To Meet the Faces You Meet”. Cover Art for Fever Dreams (1972). 2-1/4″x3-1/4″. Color.
Pg 71: “With the Dead “. Cover Art for Death Rattle [II] #1 (1985). 2″x3″. Color.
Pgs 26, 42, 58, 71, 126: Minimum text mentions on Richard Corben.
Krupp Dealer’s Catalog #25 
Dec. 1977. 11-1/2″x17-1/2″. B&W. [kitchen].
1/6-page text ad for Bizarre Sex #6 (1977). Incl. front cover art.
Krupp Dealer’s Catalog #41 
Fall 1981. 11-1/2″x17-1/2″. 2-colored. [kitchen].
Nearly 1/2-page text ad for the special spirit issue of The Spirit #30 (1981). Incl. montage of interrior art.
Kulørte Sider #16

(?) 1977. Runepress, Denmark. In Danish. [ober,håkan].
Pgs 18-19: Critique by Rune T. Kidde
Kunst: Comics, Corben, Drillet, Moebius

1989. Armin Schreiber. Dreibein Verlag/Edition Kunst der Comics, Germany. In German. [ober].
Cover Art: “Lizard Girl” (with Dieter Ammus)
Pgs 65-75: color excerpts
Pgs 83-116: Richard Corben critique
Pg 151: biography
Pgs 153-154: bibliography
Copyright © 2002 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: May 17, 2002. Last updated: June 5, 2023 at 20:51 pm