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The Lamp by Howard Phillips Lovecraft

“The Lamp” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft

The Lamp. Original Art Plate

Comics story adaptation. Appeared first time [B&W] in Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft #2 (2008). Reprinted [B&W] in Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft [HC] (2008) and [B&W] in Haunt of Horror (2009).
Story: H.P. Lovecraft. Adapt/Art: Richard Corben.

The original poem by Howard Phillips Lovecraft:

A verse VI from “Fungi from Yuggoth” (written in 1929-1930). This verse first published in March 1931.

We found the lamp inside those hollow cliffs
Whose chiselled sign no priest in Thebes could read,
And from whose caverns frightened hieroglyphs
Warned every living creature of earth’s breed.
No more was there-just that one brazen bowl
With traces of a curious oil within;
Fretted wtih some obscurely patterned scroll
And symbols hinting vaguely of strange sin.

Little the fears of forty centuris meant
To us as we bore off our slender spoil
And when we scanned it in our darkened tent
We struck a match to test the ancient oil
It blazed-Great God!. . . But the vast shapes we saw
In that mad flash have seared our lives with awe.

Copyright © 2008 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: July 9, 2008. Last updated: June 29, 2019 at 21:52 pm
