24+22+22+22 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Bigfoot #1 to #4 (2005).
Story: Steve Niles & Rob Zombie. Art: Richad Corben. Inside Color: Martin Breccia & Nestor Pereyra, except #2: Tom B. Long (all Cover Color: Martin Breccia & Nestor Pereyra). Lettering, #1 & #3: Robbie Robbins; #2 & #4: Tom B. Long.
Brazil [BR]: as “Sasquatch: A Lenda do Pé-grande” in Sasquatch: A Lenda do Pé-grande.
Germany [GER]: as “Bigfoot [GER]” in Bigfoot [GER] (2009).
Spain [SPA]: as “Bigfoot [SPA]” in Colección “Made in Hell” #21: Bigfoot [SPA] (2006).
Style: Black line (computer coloring). Genre: Horror. Time Span: Present. Nudity: Several exposed female upper body.
Original Art Plate: Copyright 2005. Drawn with Sharpie and Pigma pen on Strathmore paper, size 11″x17″, except double page 2-3 size 21″x17″ [Corben’s web site]. 27,7 x 43 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Keywords: Bigfoot. Holiday camping. Police. Kidnapping. Kid.
Synopsis: Bigfoot disturbs the peace of American family holiday. A surviving kid will get a lifetime nightmare. Bigfoot terrorize the neightbourhood and sherif cannot do anything. A kid grows up and return for revenge.
Comment: Violent, including straight nudity. Outline of the story clear, agressive and interesting. The story is pretty easy reading, but rises up in the end. The artwork is highly detailed and strongly the best of Mr. Corben for a long time. Several voluptuous girls, almost in every issue.
Special: Mr. Corben was interested of the story of Bigfoot way back in the times of “Mutant World” (1978)! The sudden change of the colorist produces an error for the story: a young boy AD 1973 has got blue eyes in issue #1, but later in issue #2 AD 2004 brown…).
Humour: The colorist Tom B. Long made the kid falsely brown eyed in #2, though in other issues he is a blue eyed one [thanks for Tom to point out that he was the colorist, not Robbie, as I stated before on this page].

Copyright © 2005 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: January 20, 2005. Modified: August 17, 2017.