“Bless Us, Father…”
7 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Creepy #59 (1974). Reprinted [COLOR] in Comix International #1 (1974), [COLOR] in Heavy Metal Special: Richard Corben Special (1998) [VERS.2], [COLOR] in Heavy Metal Special: The Best of Richard Corben from Creepy and Eerie! (1998) [VERS.2], [COLOR] in Creepy Archieves Volume #12 (2012) [VERS.3], and [COLOR] in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) [VERS.3].
Story: William DuBay. Color(prob. colored by Corben’s overlays)/Art: Richard Corben (no signature, © around 1974). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Finland [FIN]: as “Siunaa meitä, isä…” in Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #1 (2013).
France [FRA]: as “Bénissez-moi, mon père” in Creepy [FRA] “annual serie” #26 and Une femme bafouée (1982).
Serbia [SER]: as “Blagoslovi nas oče…” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “Bendícenos padre…” in Delta #20 and Famosos “Monsters” del cine #10 (1976), #12 (1976).
Style: Fully Painted Colors. Genre: Horror. Time Span: Present. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Uncle Creepy. Mad Santa Claus. Killer. Massacre. Meat Axe. Cop. Daddy’s girl. Snow.
Original Art Plate: 34,7 x 47,8 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Synopsis: Another alternative Christmas story. Poor Randolph has to dig out red christmas color with meat axe, and gets cop after him.
Comment: The whole consept of this story is ground breaking: there is two columns of panels on every page. Left column’s panels run down with Randolph’s parents’ dialogue and panels on right column run down with dialogue of Randolph’s wife and daughter. And same time Randolph (and cop) have normal left to right, running down story to go. Brilliant. Corben’s colors are dirty(!) and very red.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Poorly scanned from magazine.
Alternatives, [VERS.3]: Restored with piety by José Villarrubia.

Copyright © 2001 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!,
Created: January 12, 2001. Modified: June 29, 2019.