5 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Solo #2 (2004).
Story/Art/Color: Richad Corben (no signature, © 2002). Lettering: printed (Richard Corben).
Czech [CZ]: as “Kyklop!”, in Crew² #12 (2006).
France [FRA]: as “Cyclope”, in Solo [FRA] #2 (2005).
Italy [ITA]: as “Ciclopi!”, in Solo [ITA] #4 (2014).
Spain [SPA]: as “¡El cíclope!”, in Solo [SPA] #2 (2005), and as “¡Cíclopes!”, [COLOR] in Grande autores de Vertigo: Richard Corben (2015).
Style: Full CG Colors. Genre: SF. Time Span: Alternative universe. Nudity: Hidden (extra voluputuous girls on each page).
Keywords: Skeletons. Fight. Victory. Savages. Trophy.
Synopsis: Two fighters attack on cyclop. They fight till death.
Comment: Again a strong story telling on heavy fight scene. The story must be one of the first for comic book, because it has been the only advertising story (and the main character for the front cover). Story builds interestingly: visual picts covers a quick moment, but underlaying story goes far more deeper, till surprising end. Mr. Corben uses his personal way to portrait human bodies: both attacking figures has femalish breast plates, though malish muscular body (cf. pict “Dreams of an Ancient World”).
Special: There is a photo on pg 48 Mr. Corben working on this story. Page [#2] is done in B&W in black line! The resulting story is pretty similar with that pen work (except the close-up of cyclop in the last frame!). Mr. Corben is using a clay model for the story.
Scanned from Spanish print. Apparently similar with the original English print.

Copyright © 2005 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: January 11, 2005. Last updated: July 4, 2019 at 20:31 pm