“A Dumb Story”
10 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Slow Death #3 (1971) [VERS.1]. Reprinted [B&W] in Anthology of Slow Death (1975) [VERS.1] and [B&W] in Richard Corben Complete Works #2 (1986) [VERS.2].
Story/Art: Richard Corben (signed as Gore, in reprint also Richard Corben, 1971). Lettered by hand (Corben).
The most, maybe even all, foreign reprints are [VERS.1]. (For example, a Dutch version is clearly [VERS.1], though on first page they added, “A Dumb Story, © 1971 Richard Corben”)
France [FRA]: as “Une histoire idiote” in Horrilor (1977) and L’Echo des savanes spécial U.S.A. [I] #19 (1981).
Germany [GER]: as “A Dumb Story [GER]” in U-Comix Sonderband [GER] #7 (198?), as “Fortschritt”, in Schwermetall #54 (1984) and Schwermetall, Neue Sammelband #5.
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Een stompzinnig verhaal [VERS.1]” in Richard Corben #1 [NL]: Elf Gruwelijke Verhalen (1980).
Spain [SPA]: as “A Dumb Story [SPA]” in Star #33 (1978), as “Una historia tonta” in Corben o la ternura del monstruo (1979), Richard Corben obras completas #5 (1985), and as “El ocaso de los perros” in Corben o la ternura del monstruo (1979),Richard Corben obras completas #3 (1983).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Det gamla vanliga tjatet” in Pox Special #3 (3/85).
Yugoslavia [YUG]: as “Glupa priča”, [B&W] in Eks almanah #402 (1984).
Style: B&W zipatone. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Nudity: Full frontal nudity girl and man.
Keywords: Alien planet. Human superemacy. Civilization. Pollution. Rebellions.
Original Art Plate: 28 x 42 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Synopsis: Humans come to steal and to pollute the planet of Centauri Three. Two naked locals, Nu Gu (well hunged guy) and Bu Lu (voluptuous girl), try to run away, but they cannot. They became rebellions.
Comment: Brilliant B&W artwork, Corben’s own story is interesting, except poor ending – last page have nothing to do with story.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: In version two they add in upper right corner writing, “A Dumb Story, © 1971 Richard Corben”. On second page they hide Nu Gu’s hard on with more redrawn bushes, Bu Lu’s eyes they turned to opposite way – out of hidden hard on and her saying, “Back to the bushes!”, is also removed. On page four there is 12 frames with same background. Bu Lu comes to Nu Gu for shooting him. She cannot and they make love in frame eight [VERS.1] and they leave with gun. In [VERS.2] frame eight is missing, but instead there is frame ten an another time!
See compering alternatives.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 13, 1997. Last updated: April 12, 2020 at 10:31 am