“Fur Trade”
8 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Werewolf (1984). Reprinted [COLOR] in Den [III] #5 (1989) and [COLOR] in Heavy Metal #178 (1999).
Story: John Pocsik. Art/Color: Richard Corben (signed as Richard Corben, © 1984). Lettering: printed.
Reprints: Prob. equal with the original.
Denmark [DK]: as “Pelsjægeren” in Historier om hekse og varulve (1985).
France [FRA]: as “Entre chien et loup” in Spécial U.S.A. [II] #11 (1984) and Belles à croquer (1985).
Italy [ITA]: as “La bestia” in L’Eternauta #32, and as “Pellicce” in L’Eternauta #106.
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Bonthandel” in Weerwolf.
Spain [SPA]: as “Caza de pieles” in Creepy [SPA] #63 (1984), Richard Corben obras completas #2 (1984) and Richard Corben obras completas #12 (1992).
Style: Fully Painted Colors. Genre: Horror. Time Span: Present. Nudity: None.
Original Art Plate: Copyright 1984. Drawn and colored with markers, colored pencils, colored film sheets and pen on bristel paper, size 11″x17″. Text is included as an overlay. 30,3 x 41,7 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Keywords: Frozing. Winter. Hunger. Full moon. Priest. Werewolf. Skin changing. Fur trader. Snow.
Synopsis: Winter is cruel, even for wolfs, and they starts to hunt for (wo)men. Village is in fear; revender asks help of mysterious high house owner, who knows skin changing lore. Priest wants to try lore to hunt down the leader of wolfs. Fur trader is of course under the hunt.
Comment: John Pocsik’s oldish story has grace. Even Corben’s style is made same oldish way, but it is definately not his very best wolf stories. Story needs more action and it stops a little bit too quick.

Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 23, 2000. Last updated: September 1, 2020 at 17:46 pm