“The House on the Borderland“

85 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in The House on the Borderland (2000).
Story: William Hope Hodgson. Adapt: Richard Corben & Simon Revelstroke. Art: Richard Corben. Color: Lee Loughridge. Lettering: Clem Robins.
Brazil [BR]: as “A Casa do Fim do Mundo” [VERS.2], [B&W] (!) in A Casa do Fim do Mundo (2002).
France [FRA]: as “La Maison au bord du monde”, in La Maison au bord du monde (2003).
Italy [ITA]: as “La Casa sull’abisso”, in La Casa sull’abisso (2004).
Serbia [SER]: as “Kuća na Granici”, in Jeznovik #6: Kuća na Granici (2017).
Spain [SPA]: as “La casa en el confín de la tierra”, in La casa en el confín de la tierra [Norma] (2003), as “La casa en el confín de la tierra”, in La casa en el confín de la tierra [ECC] (2014).
Style: Black line, CG colors. Genre: Horror. Time Span: Horror romantic past. Nudity: Valuptuous girl.
Keywords: Escape. Ancient. Aside. Dog. Sister. Monsters. Attack. Delusions. Dimention. House. Pit. Snow.
Original Art Plate: Drawn with Sharpie and Pigma pen on Strathmore paper, size 11″x17″, except double pages 22″x17″. [CorbencomicartCom]
Original Book by William Hope Hodgson: The adaptation of Simon Revelstroke is as close to the original as possible except the brand new ending. The original book was situated to year 1877, though Simon located it to 1952.
Synopsis: In a story inside a story an old man tells a supernatural story of insidents conserning the house on the borderland. A pig-like monsters attack on his house and he tries to protect himself and his sister with a help of protective dog. The story visits in the other dimention.
Comment: Classical horror story by Hodgson. One of the best artwork by Corben. There is the house as an entity, a characteristic theme for Richard Corben.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: In B&W! Only existing version in Brazil.
Corben: Ever since I started doing work for D. C./Vertigo I had hoped for a project such as this. But all of my own promotions were shot down. My good friend John Pocsik pitched William Hope Hodgson’s “House on the Borderland” and they went for it. At the time, I had not read the book. Now judging from John’s free adaptation, it was probably for the best. He did an exciting action horror story, probably much more exciting than any I might have done. [CorbencomicartCom/Sale/Dec. 13, 2014]
Corben (pgs 11-21): In these pages, in a flashback, Byron Gault and his sister Mary, explore their house and grounds and confront the pig monsters for the first time. [CorbencomicartCom/Sale/Feb. 22, 2015]
Pay attention, “The House on the Borderland” was never serielized in English.

Copyright © 2006 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 13, 2006. Last updated: July 7, 2019 at 8:35 am