“A Last, Full Measure”
8 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Men of War #6 (2012).
Story: John Arcudi. Art: Richard Corben. Color: Jose Villarrubia.
Spain [SPA]: as“Al final, la prueba definitiva”, in Grande autores de Vertigo: Richard Corben (2015).
Style: Black line on color. Genre: War. Time Span: Present day. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Yankees. Rebel. Civil War. Gettysburg. Reenactment. Game. Dead. Zombie. Honor. Victory. Soul. Bones. Cemetery.
Synopsis: On a Gettysburg field is a reenactment of the 19th Cent. war.
Comment: John Arcudi’s story is nothing special, but Mr. Corben’s art is top notch. The flaming rider and the possessed solider were the highlight of the story.
Extras: On Corben’s web site it was shortly, “Last Measure”.

Copyright © 2011 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: December 7, 2011. Last updated: April 26, 2020 at 11:06 am