“The Pest!”
8 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Eerie #33 (1971). Reprinted [B&W] in Creepy #132 (1981) and [B&W] in Eerie Archives Volume #7 (2011) and [B&W] in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012).
Story: Steve Skeates. Art: Richard Corben (no signature). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Finland [FIN]: as “Syöpäläinen!” in Shokki #3 (1/73)
and Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #1 (2013).
France [FRA]: as “Les pesticides” in Eerie [FRA] #9, and Le Carnaval des monstres (1981).
Italy [ITA]: as “Gli insetticidi” in Il piacere della paura, and Collana Nera #11: Sudori freddi (1984).
Serbia [SER]: as “The Pest [SER]!” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “El parásito” in Delta #4, and Vampus #2 (1971).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Ohyran” in Chock 1/72.
Turkey [TUR]: as “Böcekler” in Korku 7/1971.
Style: B&W zipatone / Greytonal. Genre: Horror. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Evil man. Bugs. Metamorfosis. Cousin Eerie.
Original Art Plate: B&W zipatone / Greytonal on Craftint Duotone paper, an image area of 10.5″ x 15″. 29,3 x 44,5 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Synopsis: Kafka’s Metamorfosis related story about bug killer salesman. His product is effective, but dangerous to weak minds.
Comment: Brilliant artwork, specially use of zipatone. Excellent story by Steve Skeates.
Special: In Eerie #34 (1971) was a correction and an apology for the misprinted writer! Eerie #33 claims falsely the writer to be Al Hewetson, though it shoud read Steve Skeates.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 12, 1997. Last updated: April 12, 2020 at 10:46 am