“Roda and the Wolf”

8 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Heavy Metal #83 (1984). Reprint [COLOR] in Werewolf (1984).
Story/Color/Art: Richard Corben (signed as Corben, 1983). Lettering: printed (Heavy Metal).
Denmark [DK]: as “Roda og ulven” in Historier om hekse og varulve (1985).
France [FRA]: as “Roda and the Wolf [FRA]” in Spécial U.S.A. [II] #10 (1984) and Belles à croquer (1985).
Italy [ITA]: as “Roda e il lupo” in L’Eternauta #25.
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Roda en de Wolf” in Weerwolf.
Spain [SPA]: as “Roda y el lobo” in Creepy [SPA] #56 (1984) and Richard Corben obras completas #2 (1984).
Style: Full color. Genre: Fantasy. Time Span: Ancient history. Nudity: Full frontal.
Keywords: Ritual. Primitive hunters. Werewolf. Victim. Escape. Shelter. Old hag.
Original Art Plate: Drawn with Markers, Sharpie and Pigma pen, Prismacolor pencils on Bainbridge paper, size 12″x15″ [Corben’s web site]. 30,2 x 39,4 cm [Source: Angoulême, 2019].
Synopsis: Group of primitive men wants to sacrifice a naked girl victim for their good. Werewolf appears on a ritual site. Red headed victim escapes, but hunter run after her. Figure in black cloak points to voluptuous girl sheltering cottage. Girl enters, but finds inside old Big Bad Wolf hag. Old woman has eye on girl, but hunters enter inside the cabin just in time.
Comment: One of most interesting werewolf stories I have ever seen. Story is even more special, because people speaks an unknown language all the way, though mostly there is no dialogue. Voluptuous girl is from the start to the end bare naked wearing only a primitive necklase. One of my favourites as full color comics.
Unknown language [more]: According to the Google Translator it sounds like Hausa language. The ancestral language of the Hausa people, one of the largest ethnic groups in Central Africa, Hausa is mostly spoken throughout southern Niger and northern Nigeria. [wikipedia]
Copyright © 1999 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 12, 1999. Last updated: April 12, 2020 at 11:31 am