“A Sound of Thunder”
12 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Ray Bradbury Comics #1 (1993). Reprinted [COLOR] in Ray Bradbury Chronicles #4, [COLOR] in The Best of Ray Bradbury [TP], and [COLOR] in The Best Time Travel Stories of All Time [TP] (2003).
Story: Ray Bradbury. Adapt./Art/Color: Richard Corben (signed as “Art © 1992 Rich Corben”). Lettered by George Roberts.
Germany [GER]: as “Der Klang des Donners” in Gespenster Geschichten Extra #1: Dinosaurier (1993)*.
Italy [ITA]: as “A Sound of Thunder [ITA]” in The Best Of Ray Bradbury [ITA] (2004).
Spain [SPA]: as “El sonido de un trueno” in Cimoc especial #12 (1993).
Style: Fully Painted Comics and some stochastic add-ons. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Past. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Time Safari. Hunting. Dinosaur. Mistake. Leathal.
Story Origin: Ray Bradbury short story, “A Sound of Thund”.
Synopsis: Hunters travel in time into prehistory. They have got a safari for dinosaurs, but somebody is after butterflies.
Comment: Ray Bradbury’s effective story gets two version in this comic book, Corben’s and An E.C. Classic, Al Williamson’s. Both stories are overloaded by texts. Corben’s art is moderate, but there’s one interesting experimental theme he uses: extranarrow frames side by side to tighten tension. He uses three different variation of it in one comic and they all works brilliantly. Cf. “The Light at the End of the Tunnel”.
Extra: Mr. Corben draw this story originally in 10 pages. To extend it 2 extra pages and a different page layouts was mostly needed for coloring, though the longer version is not necessarily the better version. Pages are more harmonic (as 12 pages), but some separate frames were better positioned in shorter version. And because of coloring and high details story would work better on larger size than just comic book.
*) See changes during reprint on German page, Gespenster Geschichten Extra #1: Dinosaurier (1993).

Copyright © 2000 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: April 22, 2000. Last updated: September 12, 2023 at 19:56 pm