Tales of the Black Diamond, Prologue: “Starstone of Blood”
6 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Tales of the Black Diamond (1993).
Story: Richard Margopoulos. Art: Richard Corben (signed as Richard Corben, 1993). Lettering: printed (Corben).
Germany [GER]: as “Der Fluch des schwarzen Diamanten”, as one (complete story) in Die phantastische Welt des Richard Corben #10 (1994).
Style: Black line with CG tonals. Genre: SF. Time Span: Future. Nudity: Almost full frontal.
Keywords: War. Warrior. Evil. Blood. Delivering.
Synopsis: Two races are in war. One warrior with life-sucking Black Diamond on her forehead escapes to Earth to deliver evil.
Comment: A little bit confusing beginning of the serial (by Richard Margopoulos), then again it was written afterwards (see Special). Corben’s B&W artwork is quite good, specially space background. On the last page there is one too computerlooking surface (middle frame of page); it does not work very well.
Special: Prologue did not appear in original Horror in the Dark series. Mr. Corben writes in the Editorial of Horror in the Dark #4, Because of incredibly shrinking sales, this is the last of our horror series, and the last comic book from Fantagor Press for a while.” Serial ought to has five issues but it was cut off after fourth. Mr. Corben goes on (in the same Editorial), “Actually, Mr. Margopoulos wrote a sixth chapter that took place in the distant future, just in case we could stick it out an extra issue.” This prologue was the very same extra story, it appeared about two years after last issue of Horror in the Dark.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 7, 1997. Last updated: July 13, 2019 at 15:49 pm