“A Tangible Hatred”
10 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Creepy #41 (1971). Reprinted [B&W] in Creepy #132 (1981), [B&W] in Creepy Archives Volume #8 (2010) and [B&W] in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012).
Story: Donald F. McGregor. Art: Richard Corben (no signature). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Finland [FIN]: as “Ulkoistunut viha“ in Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #1 (2013).
France [FRA]: as “Une haine tangible” inCreepy [FRA] “annual serie” #21 and Une femme bafouée (1982).
Italy [ITA]: as “A Tangible Hatred [ITA]” in Creepy [ITA] #6 (1985).
Serbia [SER]: as “A Tangible Hatred [SER]” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “Un odio palpable” in Delta #3 and Dossier Negro #55.
Turkey [TUR]: as “Ölüm konser veriyor” in Korku 6/1974.
Style: Greytonal. Genre: Horror. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: None.
Keywords: Walking corpse (symbolic). Uncle Creepy (only face).
Original Art Plate: Mixed media. 11″x17″.
Synopsis: Detective investigates mysterious hitch-hicker case, where people are slaughtered senselessly. Killer is a walking corpse look-alike “hate”.
Comment: Story, by Donald McGregor, is filled with too domestic written text. Artwork is unfortunate failure (prob. watercolor). Story’s sense is questionable.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 4, 1997. Last updated: July 11, 2019 at 20:30 pm