“The Low Spark of High Heeled Noise!”
8 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Creepy #57 (1973). Reprint [COLOR] in Comix International #1 (1975), [COLOR] in Heavy Metal Special: The Best of Richard Corben from Creepy & Eerie! (1998) [VERS.4], [COLOR] in Creepy Archieves Volume #12 (2012) [VERS.4], and [COLOR] in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) [VERS.5].
Story: Doug Moench. Color(prob. colored by overlays)/Art: Richard Corben (no signature). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Finland [FIN]: as “Pikkuinen kopiseva nakse korkeiden korkojen!” in Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #1 (2013).
France [FRA]: as “La source étincelle des talons hauts” in Vampirella [FRA] #17 (1974), Vampirella [FRA] Album #5 (1975) and Profondeurs (1978).
Germany [GER]: as “Der trübe Glanz von hohen Hacken” in Die Aussergewöhnliche Welt des Richard Corben, Vol. 2 (1980).
Italy [ITA]: as “Un rumore di scarpe con il tacco alto” in Collana Umanoidi #9 (1983).
The Netherlands [NL]: as “Het mes met de hoge hakken” in Richard Corben #2 [NL]: Diepten (1981).
Serbia [SER]: as “The Low Spark of High Heeled Noise [SER]!” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “El sonido de unos tacones altos que caminan en la oscuridad”, [B&W] (!) in Delta #14 [VERS.3] (?), and [B&W] (!) in Vampus #31 (1974) [VERS.2], and as “El ruido de unos zapatos de tacón alto” in [COLOR] El extraordinario mundo de Richard Corben #2 (1981).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Det lätta klappret av högklackade skor” in Epix #17 (9/85).
Style: Full color. Genre: Horror. Time Span: No particular moment of time. Nudity: Almost full frontal.
Keywords: Haunted house. Ghoustly wife. Uncle Creepy.
Synopsis: In the House of Usher releated story a salesman ends up to spooky house. Man lets him in, but at night a ghost with meat cleaver and high heels wakes salesman up. A couple argue downstairs, while salesman lurks behind the corner with gun.
Comment: Brilliant color artwork. There is some beautiful page entireties. High heeled, blue skinned ghost girl is for sure naked and nudity is not too insolent. Poetic story by Doug Moench. Marginally coverstory (of Creepy), cover by Sanjulian.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Censored by amount of blood (passim) and additional bra and pants (pg 8, last three frames). There was mention that in this version would be just 6 pages, but that is incorrect info. Actually there was an poster by José Ma Beá in a center of the magazine (i.e. middle of this story!).
Alternatives, [VERS.3]: Exists also a 6 (!) page Spanish version in B&W (pages 2 & 3 are totally missing!). I assume it was printed in Delta.
Alternatives, [VERS.4]: Poorly scanned from magazine.
Alternatives, [VERS.5]: Restored with piety by José Villarrubia.
Special: You can find almost a replica of the opening pict of this story from DenSaga way forth twenty years later, as an opening pict of the story of “The Return of the Sorcerer” (1993).

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: August 24, 1997. Last updated: June 6, 2020 at 17:56 pm