
Uncounting sculptured models for comic arts and illustrations by Richard Corben. Recently he uses digital printer.
There supposed to be 20 sculptures made by Brian Davis. None of Brian Davis’ sculpture are titled; here titled by myself to give a picture what they are sculptured from.
“Cidiopey”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Denaeus”. The bust of Denaeus. From “Denz”. 3D print by Richard Corben. [PICT]

“Den”. [acutally there was no title but the body structure, cape and scepter point clearly to Den] Sculptured by unknown artist. [PICT ASIDE]
“Den”. The face of aged Den. From “Denz”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Den and Kath Fly”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Den and the Red Queen Naked”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Den Bust”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Den Meets the Red Queen lights on”. Hand sculpted and hand painted by Brian Davis. 7″ high and 9″ long made of epoxy resin and polymer day. [PICT]
“Den’s Flying Kick” [FiF, pg 18, art2, pg 20], from Den [I] (1978). Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Den’s Head” [FiF, pg 18], from Den [I] (1978). Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Den: Witch”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Denzel”. The face of Denzel. From “Denz”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Emotional Den”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Fantagor&Uk”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Ghoul” [FiF, pg 18, art2, pg 20], from Pickman’s Model, a character from never illustrated H.P. Lovecraft story. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Gurgy Tate” [FiF, pg 18, art2, pg 20], a standing statue. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Gurgy Tate [#2]” [ebay] Hand sculpted and hand painted figure by Brian Davis. 14.5″ high Gurgy Tate sitting with a walking stick on a headstone signed “Tate”. A vulture sits next to it on it’s own pillar. [PICT].


“Horrilor” [PICT ASIDE]. Sculptured by John “Creepy Seb” Cebollero. 5.25 inches tall. A small reproduction run, less than 20 were made by Cebollero (under the licensing agreement). Pict used with permission.
“Horrilor”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Insect” [from Hot Stuff #1]. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Lizard Girl”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Mag the Hag”. The bust of Mag the Hag. From “Denz”. 3D print by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Maldwed”. The bust of Maldwed. From “Denz”. 3D print by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Mermaid”. A full body (without legs down from knees) sculpture of a dark violet nude female body arms open. From the story “Gone Fishin'”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Moja“. The bust of Moja. From “Denz”. 3D print by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Neema”. The face of Neema. From “Denz”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“New Tales of the Arabian Nights”
The head of Jinni Al-Ra’ad al-Kasif. From “New Tales of the Arabian Nights”. A full head and neck latex rubber mask with a real haired pony tail measuring approx. 18″ tall of the violet beast. Mask reads, “copyright 1978 R. Corben”. In mass production by Warren Publishing. [PICT ABOVE]
“Pig”. A head of a pig. From “The House On the Borderland”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Pilgor and Ammora” [art2, pg 20]. Two head sculptures. From “The Bodyssey”. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“The Queen La”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“The Queen of Neverwhere”. A hand sculpted and hand painted by Brian Davis. The sculpture is made of polymer clay, and the figure is 9.5″ high. [PICT].
“Reaching Torso” [art2, pg 20]. Sculptured by Richard Corben.
“Reclining Nude [Female]” [FiF, pg 18, art2, pg 20, Neverwhere [Ariel] (1978), Den [I]: Neverwhere [Catalan] (1984)]. Mid-70’s. 10″x15″x7″. Limited edition, the original was terra cotta and the signed reproductions were cast in polyester resin. 51 copies sculpted, cast, painted, and varnished by Richard Corben. Sculptured by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“The Red Queen Takes Den”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Rowlf”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT].
“Tarzan and the Golden Lion”. Sculpted by Richard Corben. See more, “Tarzan and the Golden Lion”
“The Temple”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Treed by Triceratops”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Turog“. The bust of Turog. From “Denz”. 3D print by Richard Corben. [PICT]
“Werewolf”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
“Wolf Creature” [from Den #5]. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Worm on Girl”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. No pict.
“Worm God”. Sculptured by Brian Davis. [PICT]
Created: August 16, 2003. Last updated: June 4, 2023 at 9:59 am