Comic Buyers Guide
Krause Publications, Inc.
Comic Buyers Guide #760
June 10, 1988. [ober]
Den [III], Part 1: “Den-Dormilon-Dreams and Alarums”
9 pgs. s-Simon Revelstroke & Richard Corben, a/c/r[Den [III] #1 (1988)]-Richard Corben.
First 9 pages only.
Comic Buyers Guide #854
March 30, 1990. [ober]
Pg 58: Cover of Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles #33 (1990) (10″x16″).
Comic Buyers Guide #863
June 1, 1990. [ober]
Pg 26: Cover of Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles #33 (1990) (10″x16″).
Comic Buyers Guide #895
Jan. 11, 1991. [ober]
Pg 26: Cover of “Horror In The Dark” (10″x15″).
Comic Buyers Guide #912
May 10, 1991. [ober]
Pg 23: Cover of “Horror In The Dark” (10″x15″).
Comic Buyers Guide #917
June 14, 1991. [ober]
Pg 75: Center panel of pg 5 of “Dreaming” (10″x16″).
Comic Buyers Guide #922
July 19, 1991. [ober]
Pg 57: Covers of Horror In The Dark #2 and #3 (1991) (10″x16″).
The Comics Journal
The Comics Journal #234 The Comics Journal #181 The Comics Journal #167 The Comics Journal #166 The Comics Journal #159 The Comics Journal #153 The Comics Journal #133 The Comics Journal #130 The Comics Journal #114 The Comics Journal #112 The Comics Journal #91 The Comics Journal #89 The Comics Journal #88 The Comics Journal #82 The Comics Journal #69 The Comics Journal #48
Fantagraphics. Originally published as The Nostalgia Journal starting from 1974.
The Comics Journal #48
Summer 1979. [ober]
Pgs 31, 32, 33: Excerpts in a review of Masters of Comic Art (1978).
The Comics Journal #69
Dec. 1981. [ober]
Pgs 95-96: “Heavy Metal, The Movie” one sheet (b&w).
The Comics Journal #82
Dec. 1981. [ober]
Critique: Carter Scholx on “Jeremy Brood”.
The Comics Journal #88
Jan. 1984. [ober]
Panel discussion includes Jan Strnad, and mentions his association with Richard Corben.
The Comics Journal #89
1984. [ober]
Critique: Carter Scholz on “Mutant World”.
The Comics Journal #91
July 1984. $2.50. 116 pgs. B&W. [id]
Pgs 41-46: “Four from Strnad” by Dale Luciano (Jeremy Brood, Sword of the Atom, Sword of the Atom Special, and Mutant World), a reviews of Fantagor Presents Brood (1983) and Mutant World (1983) with one B&W excerpt from the very end of “Jeremy Brood” and like wise of “Mutant World”. Also a thubnail pict of the cover of Mutant World.
Pg 102: Fantastic Females ad with three excerpts (B&W).
The Comics Journal #112
Nov. 1984. $2.95. 108 pgs. B&W. [id]
On pgs 16-17, NewsWatch: “Catalan adopt rating for albums” mentions for R-rated albums: Richard Corben’s The Bodyssey (due in Fall 1986), and Rowlf/Underground #3 among others.
Inner Front Cover: Trend Enterprises ad. Includes three prints (“Heart of the Sea’s Desire”, “Tiger Girl” and “The Three Graces”), first two in greyish colors and last in full color. Size mentioned as 21″x24″.
Back Cover: Catalan ad, The Bodyssey, among others.
The Comics Journal #114
1984. [ober]
“Bodyssey” mentioned in report of comic dealer’s arrest for obscenity. See also #133.
The Comics Journal #130
July, 1989. [ober]
Pgs 118-119: Dave Sim refers to Richard Corben’s work in “Mutant Turtles”, and includes a panel from “You Had to Be There”.
The Comics Journal #133
Dec. 1989. $3.95. 120[+4] pgs. [id]
Pgs 13-15: In News Watch, “Illinois Retailer Busted for Obscenity in 1986”. Article includes some panels and cover of Bodyssey (1986). Originally reported in #114.
The Comics Journal #153
Oct. 1992. [ober]
Pg 13: Excerpt from “Mangle, Robot Mangler”.
The Comics Journal #159
May 1993. [ober]
Pgs 3-4: “The Richmeister”, letter on Richard Corben and Bill Griffith.
The Comics Journal #166
Feb. 1994. [msu]
Pg 46: “Exhibits & Events”, on Newswatch: Words & Pictures Museum
(Northampton, Mass.) shows exhibition “Heavy Metal Nightmare, the Art of Richard Corben”.
The Comics Journal #167
April 1994. [ober,msu]
Pgs 1-19: “Jack Kirby Tribute”, Richard Corben brief reminiscence with many others in special Jack Kirby memorial issue.
The Comics Journal #181
Oct. 1995. [ober]
Pgs 80-92: “Face Front, True Believers! The Comics Industry Sounds off on Stan Lee”, by Martin Wagner. Testimonials and statements from various, including Richard Corben.
The Comics Journal #234
June 2001. [ober]
Pgs 40-41: “Economy and Value in the House on the Borderlland” by Ng Suat Tong (review).
The Comics Journal #?
2012. [net]
In an Interview by Joe McCulloch (The Comic Journal, July 5, 2012) the friend of José Villarrubia, i.e. Richard Corben, was talking about his eager dream of Poe’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination. He mentions possible upcoming Edgar Allan Poe adaptations. So far there is: The Sleeper, The City in the Sea, The Assignation, Berenice, Shadow, The Conqueror Worm, and Alone. Hopefully there will also be The Fall of the House of Usher, The Masque of the Red Death, Ligeia, The Premature Burial, The Raven, The Cask of Amontillado and others.
The Nostalgia Journal
The Nostalgia Journal was published for the first time in 1974. Basically it became later The Comics Journal. [mycomicshop][wikipedia]
The Nostalgia Journal #30
Nov. 1976. Richard Corben’s Funny Book ad.
The Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide
1st: Summer 1982. Boatner Norton Book. By Jay Kennedy. US$ 9.95. 5-3/8″x8-1/6″x5/6″. 304[+4] pages. Cover: glossy color. Gust: B&W on newsprint, except pgs 160-176: glossy color on white. [id]This book was the base for all of MuutaNet!
Pgs 9-52: articles.
Pgs 53-158, 179-230: Underground and Newave Comix Listings (all spreads includes three B&W front covers)
Pgs 159-178: A special pages of front covers (about 4 covers on every page)
Pgs 160-176: Front covers in full color
Pgs 231-255: Artist Index to Newave and Underground Listings (all spreads includes one to three B&W picts of artists)
Pgs 256-268: Groundlevel Comix Listing (all spreads includes two B&W front covers)
Pgs 269-273: Artist Index to Groundlevel Comics (includes four B&W picts of artists on a list)
Starting from pg 274: advertisments
There is no photo of Richrd Corben, but he appears on both lists:
Corben, Richard V. (born Oct. 1940 – Missouri, MI):
Underground and Newave Comics list:Item #89/pg 59 [Anomaly #4 (1972)], #100/pg 61 [Arcade the Comics Revue #4 (1975)], #209/pg 69 [Barbarian Comics #2 (1973)], #210/pg 69 [#3 (1974)], #238/pg 70 [Berkeley Con Program Book (1973)], #286/pg 74 [Bizarre Sex #5 (1976)], #287/pg 75 [#6 (1977)], #372/pg 79 [California Comics #3 (1977)], #581/pg 94 [Death Rattle #1 (1972)], #705/pg 102-103 [Fantagor #1 (1970)], #706/pg 103 [#2 (1972)], #707/pg 103 [#3 (1972)], #708/pg 103 [#4 (1972)], #726/pg 104 [Fever Dreams (1972)], #909/pg 117 [Grim Wit #1 (1972)], #910/pg 116 [#2 (1973)], #1343/pg 145 [Nard n’ Pat #1, Jayzey Lynch’s (1974)], #1358/pg 146 [Neverwhere (1978)], #1367/pg 147 [New Tales of the Arabian Nights (1979)], #1423/pg 151 [Odd World of Richard Corben – A Warren Adult Fantasy Publication, The (1977)], #1584/pg 180 [Promethean Enterprises #3/:#*!!! (1971)], #1707/pg 189 [Rowlf (1971)], #1789/pg 194 [Skull Comics #2, Tales Contrived to Flip You Out of Your /1970)], #1790/pg 194 [#3 (1971)], #1792/pg 194-195 [#5 (1972)], #1793/pg 195 [#6 (1972)], #1804/pg 195 [Slow Death Funnies #2 (1970)], #1805/pg 195 [#3 (1971)], #1806/pg 195-196 [#4 (1972)], #1807/pg 196 [#5 (1973)], #1953/pg 205 [Tales from the Plague #1 (1971)], #2115/pg 215 [Up from the Deep #1 (1971)], #2141/pg 216 [Voice of Comicdom #16 (1970)], #2142/pg 216 [#17 (1971)], #2168/pg 218 [Weird Fantasies #1 (1972)], #2182/pg 219 [Weirdom Comix #14 (1971)], #2183/pg 219 [#15 (1972)]
Groundlevel Comics list:
Item #108/pg 262 [Hot Stuf’ #1 (1974)], #109/pg 262 [#2 (1975)], #110/pg 262 [#3 (1976)], #111/pg 262 [#4 (1977)], #112/pg 262 [#5 (1977)], #113/pg 262 [#6 (1977)], #114/pg 262-263 [#7 (1978)], #115/pg 263 [#8 (1978)]
Pg 116: Cover of Grim Wit #2 (1973). 2-1/12″x3″. B&W.
Pg 176: Cover of Fantagor #4 (1972). 2-1/10″x3″. Color.
Pg 219: Cover of Weirdom Comix #15 (1972). 2-1/10″x3″. B&W.
In Finnish. Suomen sarjakuvaseura/Finnish Comics Society. [id]
See also My Bookshelf: Sarjainfo.
Now some of articles (in Finnish) in PDF format, see or follow sign, .
NordicComicsNet is down (PDFs relinked)!
Sarjainfo #9 (1/80)
“Pikku-uutisia” [PDF] (entire magazine!)
Transl. “News Flash”
Pg 14: Creepy has stolen an underground artist Richard Corben. Incl. excerpt from “When Dreams Collide” [Up from the Deep #1 (1971)], which is falsely credited as, “© 1972 [!] Richard Corben”.
Sarjainfo #26 (1/80)
“Ulkomaan kirjoja ja lehtiä”, by Juhani Tolvanen [PDF]Transl. “Foreign comic books”
News flash (pg 39): New Richard Corben book in French, “Ogre”. Full color, the best stories in SF/Fantasy. Humanoides Associés, 15/17 Passage des Petites-Ecuries, 75010 Paris, France.
Sarjainfo #29 (4/80)
“Heavy Metal – ikkuna Eurooppaan”, by Juhani Tolvanen [PDF](Transl. “Heavy Metal – a window to Europa”)
2 pgs (pgs 15, 21). Review of Heavy Metal. Richard Corben was mentioned as one of the most important comic artist of Heavy Metal.
This article pushed me to buy Heavy Metal for many years; I fell in love with Richard Corben mostly because of Heavy Metal’s “Den II”.
Sarjainfo #30 (1/81)
“Richard Corben – mies amerikkalaisesta unelmasta”, by Juhani Tolvanen [PDF](Transl. “Richard Corben – the man of the American dream”)
4 pgs (pgs 16-19). Article about Richard Corben with a short biography (also Richard Corben translated in Finnish). Lots of example frames.
And because of this I sold my soul to Richard Corben.
Sarjainfo #35 (2/82)
“Review”, by T.T. Toivanen [PDF]Pg 44: New issue of Heavy Metal, July 1982. Richard Corben mentioned shortly: “Corben goes on his odd and violent Den series”.
Sarjainfo #48 (3/85)
“Review”, by Kari Suovanen, Juhani Tolvanen [PDF]Pg 38: Some issues of Heavy Metal (et. al. Sept. 1982). Richard Corben’s “Bodyssey”, last chapter. Okay story, though tits and ass picts.
Sarjainfo #59 (2/88)
“News Flash” [PDF]Pg 35: Richard Corben stops to make adult comics and keeps on doing only covers, illustrations and kids comics. It is a protest to Meese’s campaine.
Sarjainfo #60 (3/88)
“Underground, nyt”, by Kalervo Pulkkinen [PDF](Transl. “Underground, now[adays]”)
4 pgs (pgs 18-21). Article about the place of underground nowadays (A.D. 1988). Richard Corben and Robert Crumb has mentioned as they oldies has been reprinted in Europe in vary of collections books. And: on a same ground Enki Bilal is more interesting than Corben.
Sarjainfo #62 (1/89)
“Vaara! Pysykää poissa!”, Heikki Jokinen [PDF](Transl. “Danger! Keep away!”)
2 pgs (pgs 18-19): Article about comic censorship. There is a real size frame from “Change… into something comfortable”.
Sarjainfo #68 (3/90)
“Naisia ja naisenkuvia Science fictionissa”, by Leena Peltonen [PDF](Transl. “Women and women portraits in Science Fiction”)
2 pgs (pgs 18-19). Article of lack of good women portraits in SF litterature and comics. Richard Corben is mentioned as a positive exception. Frames from “Rowlf” and “Roda and the Wolf”.
Sarjainfo #70 (1/91)
“Palkkasoturi – Pyhän tulen kansa”, by Harri Römpötti [PDF](Transl. “Mercenary”)
Pg 31: Brief review of Vicente Segrelles’s album. Segrelles is mentioned as a fade shadow of Richard Corben’s style.
Sarjainfo #71 (2/91)
“Suomalaisten kauhulehtien nousu ja tuho Shokista Kalmaan”, by Harto Hänninen [PDF](Transl. “Finnish Horror Comics Rise and Fall, from ‘Shokki’ to ‘Kalma’ (a.k.a. Death)”)
4 pgs (pgs 26-29). Article about Finnish Horror Comics. Richard Corben is mentioned as one of artists of “Vampirella [FIN]”.
Sarjainfo #74 (1/92)
“Warren: EC:n perintö nousee haudastaan”, by Pekka A. Manninen [PDF](Transl. “Warren: Heirs of EC arises from the crave”)
4 pgs (pgs 8-11). Article about Warren horror comics. Included a couple of frames from Corben’s art, “The Pest!”, “The Believers”, and Cousin Eerie by Richard Corben.
“Richard Corbenin ihmissusisarjat: Piirtää susien kanssa”, by Leena Peltonen [PDF](Transl. “Werewolves by Richard Corben: Illustrates with wolves”. English translation only on MuutaNet!)
3 pgs (pgs 12-14). Article about Corben as a werewolf artist. Enlarged review of album “Werewolf”. Lots of example frames.
Sarjainfo #105 (4/99)
“Outoja sydämentykytyksiä, Vertigo ja antologiasarjakuvan kasvojenkohotus”, by Toni Jerrman [PDF](Transl. “Strange heartbeats, ‘Vertigo’ and the facelift of anthalogy comics”)
1 pg (pg 51). A column about new horror comics series DC Vertigo. It says, “It’s refreshing to see old 70’s and 80’s most famous comic artists, like Richard Corben and Bruce Jones, on they best field”.
Sarjainfo #113 (4/01)
“Kysy! Pauli Ruonala vastaa”, by Pauli Ruonala [PDF](Transl. “Ask! Pauli Ruonala answers”)
1 pg. A question and an answer column. Almost a page answer for a question, “Tell about Richard Corben, with an article”. Major Richard Corben biography. Incl. Finnish comicography and mention for an old Sarjainfo #30 (1981) article. Two excerpts from Finnish edition of a Batman: Black and White [Batman: Musta ja valkoinen (1999)] story, “Monster Maker” (i.e. “Hirviön tekijä”): the sec. frame from pg 2, and the first frame from pg 5. In the end an old The Complete Comicography of Richard Corben web site address (address was valid in year 2001). :)
Copyright © 2006 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: October 16, 2006. Last updated: January 20, 2020 at 18:32 pm