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Belzon’s Treasure

Solo: Belzon's Treasure. Original Art Plate“Belzon’s Treasure”

12 pgs. Appeared first time in Solo #2 (2004).
Story/Art/Color: Richad Corben (no signature, © 2003). Lettering: printed (Richard Corben).

FRA: as “Le trésor de Belzon”, in Solo [FRA] #2 (2005).
ITA ITA: as “Il Tesoro Di Belzon”, in Solo [ITA] #4 (2014).
SPA: as “El tesoro de Belzon”, in Solo [SPA] #2 (2005), as “El tesoro de Belzon”, COL in Grande autores de Vertigo: Richard Corben (2015).

Style: Black line, hard full Colors. Genre: Horror. Time Span: Present. Nudity: Hidden (shaded nudism, voluputuous girl on pgs 5–6).
Original Art Plate: The drawings are done in Sharpie pens on 11″ x 17″ Strathmore bristel paper. [Corben’s web site] Keywords: Storm. Escape. Treasure. Ruins. Thiefs. Beating. Revenge. Mummy.
Synopsis: Ancient Egyptian treasure hunter escapes the others. He finds ruins and a beautiful keeper. As do his followers.
Comment: Beautiful beginning for Solo comic book. Interesting fresh story telling and excellent black line art work. Surprisingly the girl is more stiffer figure than any of men. Very good colors and sandy architecture. The story structure reminds “The Dweller in the Dark”.

Scanned from Spanish print. Apparently similar with the original English print.

Belzon's Treasure, 12 pgs

Copyright © 2005 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: January 11, 2005. Last updated: January 7, 2019 at 19:40 pm
