“Change… Into Something Comfortable”

8 pgs. Appeared first time [B&W] in Creepy #58 (1973) [VERS.1]. Reprinted [B&W] in Eerie #86 (1977) [VERS.1], [COLOR] in Werewolf (1984) [VERS.3], [COLOR] in Creepy Archieves Volume #12 (2012) [VERS.4], [COLOR] and in Creepy Presents Richard Corben (2012) [VERS.4], and [COLOR] in Eerie Archives Volume #18 (2015) [VERS.4].
Story: Doug Moench. Art/Color: Richard Corben (no signature, © around 1977). Lettered by hand (Warren).
Brazil [BR]: as “Transformação… em algomais confortável”, [B&W] in Kripta #33 (1979).
Finland [FIN]: as “Vaihda… yllesi mukavampi asu” in Shokki tekijänä Richard Corben #1 (2013).
France [FRA]: as “Le carnaval des monstres”, [B&W] in Creepy [FRA] “annual serie” #27, [B&W] in Le Carnaval des monstres (1981), and as “Amuse gueule”, [COLOR] in Belles à croquer .
Germany [GER]: as “Schlüpf doch in was Bequemeres”, [B&W] in Vampirella [GER] #1 (1981), and [B&W] in Vampirella [GER] Sammelband #1.
Serbia [SER]: as “Vuk je vuku… čovek!” in Jeznovik #2: Ričard Korben (2013).
Spain [SPA]: as “Cambio en algo cómodo”, [B&W] in Delta #17, and [B&W] in Vampus #28 (1973) [VERS.2], and as “Cambio a mejor”, [COLOR] in Creepy [SPA] #65 (1984), and [COLOR] in Richard Corben obras completas #2 (1984).
Style: B&W shades / Black line with overlay color. Genre: Horror. Time Span: Present day. Nudity: Voluptuous girl.
Keywords: Gangsters. Mob families. Murder. Betrayal. Priest.
Keywords: Werewolf. Halloween. Freak Show. Freedom. Party. Cousin Creepy. Uncle Eerie (in Eerie).
Synopsis: On a Halloween a lonely werewolf is escaping from Grimstone’s Freak Show. He wants to be free from authorities and he honts and kills in a moonly night, till he finds his own party.
Comment: Excellent artwork and story (by Doug Moench). Corben uses lots of interesting camera angels and draws all figures brilliantly. In Eerie version (“Giant Collector’s Classic!” “Eight Electrifying Stories!”, all by Corben) there is Uncle Eerie’s face (on a place of original, Cousin Creepy) in the beginning and in the end; deffenately not by Corben.
Alternatives, [VERS.2]: Censored by amount of blood (passim) and open cleavage (pg 6, frame 2 and pg 8, frame 2).
Alternatives, [VERS.3]: The color version was more narrow than the earlier B&W version (same case with “Shadow”). That means pages are slighly cropped from right side on pgs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and from left side on pgs 4, 6, 7. On pg 4 the upper part of the page he could not crop, so he shrik it smaller than in the B&W version. Thanks to José Villarrubia to point it out!
Alternatives, [VERS.4]: Restored (from several sources, but mainly from the vers.3) with piety by José Villarrubia.
Color: The story was originally made in color, but Warren used in first print the eariler B&W version (cf: “Judas”).

Copyright © 1999 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: July 25, 1999. Last updated: July 4, 2019 at 21:10 pm