“Damsel in Dragon Dress”
6 pgs. Appeared first time [COLOR] in Grim Wit #2 (1973). Reprinted [COLOR] in The Odd Comic World of Richard Corben (1978), [COLOR] in Richard Corben Complete Works #1 (1985) and [COLOR] in Den [III] #8 (1989).
Story: Doug Moench. Color/Art: Richard Corben (in original version Corben’s written sign Gore, in reprinted versions they added written sign © 1973 Richard V. Corben and removed Gore). Lettered by hand (Corben).
Finland [FIN]: as “Lohikäärmeneito” in Tapiiri #7 (3/85).
France [FRA]: as “La demoiselle en robe de dragon” in Ogre (1979).
Germany [GER]: as “Maid im Drachenkleid” in Die Aussergewöhnliche Welt des Richard Corben, Vol. 1 (1977).
Italy [ITA]: as “Una storia di draghi” in Linus 9/1976.
Spain [SPA]: as “La dama y el dragón” in El extraordinario mundo de Richard Corben [#1] (1977), and Richard Corben obras completas #3 (1985).
Sweden [SWE]: as “Draken vid näsan” in Epix #6 (6/84).
Yugoslavia [YUG]: as “Oprezno sa zmajevima”, [B&W] (!) in Strip magazin #5 (1981).
Style: Black line with color. Genre: Horror / Humour. Time Span: Fantasy. Nudity: Voluptuous, half naked girl.
Keywords: Dragons. Magic. Knight. Sorcerer.
Synopsis: Kiss the frog variation. A handsome knight has been spelled to be a dragon. A girl kisses him but instead of changing the dragon she becames by herself one of them. A sorcerer on the other hand spells two dragons totally into world of dragons, where a butt naked girl promises to kiss them to better world.
Comment: Very good color artwork. Greg Moech’s story has interesting variations, but lacks of good ending. All reprints have a little different colors: The Odd Comic World is nearest to the original, Complete Works has industrial like and Den totally new (more darker) colors. Dancing girl remainds the girl in “Horrible Harvey’s House!”.
Extra: In an interview with Doug Moench (in The Warren Companion (2001), pg 122) he says that this story was the all time Corben favourite, and it was translated “in every country on Earth”.

Copyright © 1997 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: September 13, 1997. Last updated: July 6, 2019 at 22:08 pm